Cap'n Morgan

To quote Tina Fey in reference to the FoxNews women: “Not a blonde pube among them.”

If AV Club writers submit posts that don’t meet the required word count they will be fired.

So when you go to poop, which all of you do, you have to unbutton the shirt, have it drop behind you then make sure it doesn’t get wet in the toilet water, then pull your pants down around your ankles with the shirt also gathered in a ball on the floor. Eww!

Coulterizing makes each new young victim even more hateful.

Look at this asshole. Not using the Oxford comma.

*cough cough* Carlos II of Spain *cough cough*

Tomi Lahren: What happens when you put Salacious Crumb’s soul into a Real Doll then let it get struck with lightning.

It’s a pretty amazing magic trick that the Fox News audience believes Fox News is not the hated MSM.

Tomi, darling sweetie sweetie darling. No one gives a flying fuck about Hillary’s e-mails and second you are on mainstream media.

She’s the face of Snapchat conservatism. It’s the same faux-pithy, e-mail forward bullshit your aunt laps up, but with an obviously calculated veneer of Millennial hipness plastered on top.

You made the jump. There’s a few other survivors scattered about.

Ugh. People aren’t covering the Russian collusion because of petty partisan fighting, it’s because it’s potentially the biggest scandal in the history of modern US politics and government.

I hear you. I hear you. I’d also like to work “eldritch horror” into the conversation if I may.

Yeah, I mean, Hillary Clinton has withstood years of investigation beginning with the hire of Ken Starr and ending, apparently, never, with no one finding any evidence of wrongdoing. Trump, meanwhile, actively works to be as opaque as possible to the American people and has from the beginning of his campaign.

Her entire career seems based on willfully embracing evil, rather than just being too dumb to recognize it. Less of a Stepford wife and more of a wraith, or some lower order of demon.

How about we make a deal? How about when the fake King  stops talking about armies of the dead day in and day out, maybe we can drop the Tyrion traitor scandal. But until then, I think I’m going to stay on it.

I’m curious, how exactly does a BA in political science from UNLV remotely qualify Lahren to comment on...any issue, ever, in a public capacity? Oh, right, she’s a blonde Republican woman. She’ll work forever.*

I don’t rightly know how many commenters are still, er, A.V. Club commenters.  I’ve already forgotten the face of my old username.

I hope I live to see her mature to an Ann Coulter super crazy place.