
Now with 50% less humor!

Agreed. His whole deal is he’s a charming devil (they even discussed it tonight) but if he’s dressed like an evil emperor, it doesn’t work. 

Favorite jokes was an underplayed one too. It was Beard matter-of-factly telling Ted that his girlfriend is still threatened by how close they are and Ted just accepting it like they’d clearly talked about it before. 

I think I’d be more in agreement about its overstuffed nature being a problem if I didn’t like the individual bits so much. While I continue to find Rupert as the emperor a little too over the top (and the humanization of Katy Wix’s ad exec a little too predictable—everyone in this universe is secretly humane and

My point is that it doesn’t work here either. It portrays lack of sexual experience in a teenager as something to be made fun of. It’s a nasty little piece of psychological work. 

This seems like a really fucked up concept. Imagine switching the genders.

Strong disagree. You can’t lose anything from season two (one of the best seasons of television period) and season only feels off because it got cut short by the writer’s strike. Besides which the last season had to be extra long to fit everything. Gotta be a 5 season show. 

Eh, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul each needed more than four. I could see cutting BCS to five but not lower.

Rules like this don’t mean much, the real truth is that shows should end while they’re still good which is a tall order for any showrunner. 

So it’s gender flipped ‘Knight and Day’ and/or ‘True Lies’.

Spielberg is interesting in that a bunch of his flawed films that people have decided were terrible are actually pretty good. I’ll stick up for Hook and The Terminal. 

Ah, I love the smell of snide, unnecessary commentary in the morning

Good. Rot there.

Say it with me now:

It. Doesnt. Fucking. Matter.

Yeah, I think part of the problem for me is that because they’re just action deliver vessels, the flaws are more obvious. If you’re only goal is to serve me stylish action, why all the fluff?

Seriously, the beauty of that first movie (which is still miles ahead of its sequels) is that it’s lean as hell. Yes, stylish, silly, badass, and weird, but it’s basically three major action setpieces strung together with a handful of memorable characters and a great central protagonist. 

Raiders of the Lost Ark is damn good, but beyond that one I agree with you.

He (Badgely) recently did an episode of Conan O Brien’s podcast and impressed me immediately with how kind and down-to-earth he seemed. This just increases that, and I’m really rooting for the guy. 

So this trailer raises an interesting question: does Jason Momoa have a weirdly thick neck or are light colors crazy unflattering. He’s better looking than I’ll ever be...but in this trailer he looks like a thumb in shirt. 

If you go to the article it says. He brought Riley Reid through who apparently donated a succulent (I nearly typed succubus) to the office. Ms. Reid has also publicly socialized with the Paul brothers so she may not be a bellwether of moral people...