My alma mater is a disgrace.
My alma mater is a disgrace.
Cryan’ Bolangelo
Quick, ask this as a follow up: “If more have the players had planned to attend, why did you lie to the press last year when you said that Don Sr. had nothing to do with Junior’s statement regarding the Trump Tower meeting?”
How’d this get out of the greys?
Salah at ya boy
I was posted up about a mile from the finish. Can confirm she was hauling absolute ass in her last few miles. Looked positively fresh compared to the rest of the zombies we saw running by all day.
Internal strife at BOTH the Spurs and Patriots. Never thought I’d see the day.
But what if...getting really offended about people being “too sensitive” is also being “too sensitive.”
As a recovering alcoholic I can confidently say, “Who among us...”
Will it?
Your joke about how this was actually Lebron pushing Lue out:
“Why can’t they just protest in a way that’s easier for us all to ignore?”
But isn’t this kind of like when everyone was making fun of people on the internet who were saying that Lebron could seriously go back to Cleveland becuase he was “coyly stoking certain speculative fires” and then he did?
I had a question answered in Bill Simmons mailbag once (I know, I’m embarrassed for me too) and he did the same shit. I guess what I’m really saying is, Drew Magary is the Bill Simmons of Deadspin.
Tom is leaving to pursue his true passion, playing Scocca professionally for team USA.
yo, fuck this dude.
What’s the big deal? Ty Lue’s been doing this for a couple years now.
Just another reminder of how quickly this whole thing falls apart in the case of a national emergency. We think we are all so damn civilized until we’re biting a pregnant woman over a bag over a bag of Chex Mix: Bold Party Blend
I live in Boston but am not from here. Today is a Great Day™.