Can With No Name

So, Spider-Man’s gone. Black Widow’s gone. Ant-Man and the Wasp better watch their backs.

Tom is doomed by his personality flaws to relive the same course of events over and over.

If the world were just, everything would end in a fashion referencing The Critic.

“Hobbs and Calvin” would’ve killed it at the box office (IMO)

“Michelle Rodriguez is a complicated person. Sometimes she has Good Takes, like when she refused to do more Fast And Furious movies until they committed to handling the female characters better. Sometimes she has Bad Takes, like when she dismissed that story about Liam Neeson wanting to do a racist murder by

This movie would have been far more interesting had it involved Thomas Hobbes and George Bernard Shaw traveling through time, Bill and Ted style.

I do a fair amount of work “out” and I’m convinced these people are sociopaths. There’s no way these people are unaware that it’s not okay to set up your work station in a sandwich shop with just an iced tea, but they just don’t care: they’ve bare minimally followed the rules (bought a thing) and now they’re going to

“you’d have to be pretty bold to just unplug lights to use your laptop”

It’s really too bad this series got saddled with such an unfortunate name, which in no way represents the comedy of the show itself. I suspect that’s one of the reasons it’s had so much trouble finding its audience.

Look, I’m almost certain I wouldn’t vote for him, but he’s got the right idea on hot dogs, so he definitely isn’t a complete Empty Suit.

Too soon, Modusoperandi. Too soon.


Probably, but I’ll take Kevin Smith’s “idgaf” phase over Adam Sandler’s any time.

I liked and still like Garden State. I lived in NJ for about five years, and while it’s not my favorite place in the world, it takes me back to the good times I did manage to have there every time I watch it. Natalie Portman’s character’s mother reminds me of my friend’s mom quite a bit.

I’ll also add that if society has deemed Full House worthy of rebooting into a new life, then fuck it, let’s let Kevin Smith have ten new lives.  Flame on!

Or “Grimey,” as she likes to be called

Sorry, my fault.

Zenophobic? That seems like a paradox to me.

They make sweet, sweet love?

My queer buds and I have sat through the performances of plenty enough ‘authentic’ gay actors to agree with her point. Identity is not talent. And btw, Dante Gill did not identify as trans; the label was applied to her by an academic based on criteria (wearing men’s clothes, insisting on being called Sir, etc) that