Can With No Name


Honestly, after RoS first came out and the immediate discussion died down, I haven’t really seen anybody talk about it. Instead, it’s all arguments about episode 8 or the prequels, *0r* discussion about the franchise as a whole (which usually centers on discussion of episode 8 or the prequels).

She plays wacky characters!

Counterpoint: I think Sweeney Todd was really good, not mediocre. Probably the best live action movie musical since Chicago. 

Good? This thread is a chairnel house of puns.

You know, Fox turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually I didn’t even notice.

Your Michael Fassbender? Did you call dibs?

The thing that’s the best about Love Boat is every week there’s a canal, or an inlet, or a fjord, when love gets loose on land.

I don’t have time to binge or even finish many shows, but this is one of the few new series that Netflix has come out with that I’m enjoying working my way through.

That’s a really bizarre claim to make about Cline. There are books without (much) plot — slices of life, poetry about cats, etc, none of which resemble Cline’s books (which are filled with plot and events).

But everybody’s lines/characters were getting tweaked, so it’s not like he was shouldering the burden of being “the” comic relief.

Agreed. The trouble for an outside observer is it’s hard to see when somebody actually considers the arguments (even for inside observers, really). Even the people who are involved aren’t exactly unbiased observers, either.

Booyah is also a Cyborg catchphrase in the animated show Teen Titans (of which Teen Titans Go! is a reduction). 

All that the theatrical cut established is that Whedon is not a complete miracle worker. Other mega-budget movies that have had last minute director shuffles have also had problems; remember Peter Jackson’s complaints about directing the Hobbit. He at least took over before shooting started, but he didn’t have his own

Why can’t Sue’s catchphrase be “oh, Namor!” ?

Easy content at the expense of $70 million additional dollars. That’s a prestige mini-series right there.

Superman Returns treated him as an actual character with an interesting new arc (the biological dad who went away and now is trying to reintroduce himself into his ex’s and kid’s lives; after making it clear that he would otherwise be truly, brutally alone because he’s seen firsthand that Krypton is dead).

What, is she a really good album or something?

The Hollywood Foreign Press is primarily made up of reporters for non-US media. Precisely which demographics it ‘should’ be compared to is very unclear.

Shelley Duvall didn’t seem to leave the filmmaking industry because of The Shining, either. She stayed in for many years after.