Can With No Name

Farewell Dowd. You and basically everyone working at this site were so much better than J/O Media deserved.

Just because you haven’t rounded up a band of henchmen with theme outfits doesn’t mean the rest of us haven’t.

Ray Fisher is in fact a self-important shit-stirrer and his specific accusations still seem like bogus whining to me.

She needed the money.

So she just blue herself?

a bunch of idiots argue about their obvious opinions

I get that this is not the focus of the article, but can you please not promote the obvious, easily-disproved lie that he took horse medicine? This is the same line that CNN used and not only did they end up tripping over their own dicks in the aftermath, they handed Rogan and his bullshit anti-vax takes an easy

I’m missing the unfiltered raving part

I don’t like Ed Sheeran’s music and I still think it’s a dumb complaint.

Yeah, people were mean and weird. Like, “oh no! I am so distracted that this person is on this show!” But other famous people were on the show before in other cameos. Sigur Ros, the National, etc. His part was fine and he did a fine job. 

What I liked about the scene is that it was actually, for once in the goddamn season ,hopeful. After all the killing , betrayals , and depression , a 5 or 6 minute scene with someone singing a hopeful song was actually fantastic . Yes, you know its Ed Sheeran, but that shock lasts for 2 seconds, then you enjoy his

Ed Sheeran was a regular on a TV show 4 years before doing the cameo on GoT.

The band Mastodon appeared as extras in the series multiple times but nobody recognized them or complained because they’re not as famous. I thought the backlash over Sheeran being in the show was dumb. He looked like he fit right in. 

Cameos are fun.

He’s right! People were weird about it!

It’s hard for me to separate my appreciation of the films from my appreciation of the books, and to judge the films as standalone works.

I’ll still go to bat for Half-Blood, if only because its cinematography is phenomenal and it is happily gloomy. Yes, it could have done so much more if it worked with the source

Nope. Not what I was implying at all. The specific issues on the justice league set keep getting brought up over and over again. The same exact things keep being said. It’s either the same stuff or vague ramblings when came to people like Fisher. The story is beyond old. This specific story.

Age of Ultron had both a lukewarm reception AND a diminished return, hence why Marvel had already tapped the Russos to direct Infinity War by the time Whedon was hired for JL. They saw the writing on the wall.

That’s way too much effort defending someone you don’t want to defend.

Yeah, but that’s still valorizing the trope of the defeated Confederate soldier. It’s buying into the self-mythologizing the South did after the war.