Can With No Name

I see you’re familiar with DeviantArt

(I know I’m in danger of becoming a Werner Herzog quote gimmick account, but really, this film seems to call for it.)

Actually, that does sound like a high-level celebrity fetish thing. “What if Donald Glover and Bey kissed... and then did it under a waterfall... but the whole time they were both like, giant cats who fucked?

To be fair, the version of King Lear that gained popularity in the eighteenth century was the Nahum-Tate-edited version where Lear and Cordelia both live, and Cordelia marries Edgar. Samuel Johnson actually thought it was superior to Shakespeare’s original play, which was too nihilistic to really match his

But honestly though...who wants to see Ariel commit suicide and ascent into heaven?

Doggone it, I was going to make a pun, but yours had more teeth.

But honestly though...who wants to see Ariel commit suicide and ascent into heaven?

Just make sure you don’t accidentally send it Canines by mistake.

Let’s just kick the hive for fun;

no, no .... Savage’s column is posted on Wednesdays, complete with comments section.

Like this movie, that doesn’t end well. 

Y’know what I remember from Lion King more than anything? COLOR! Deep, rich color that matched the mood of whatever scene was happening. The vibrant reds of “Circle of Life”, the fun pastels of “Just Can’t Wait To Be King”, the harsh desaturated purples of the elephant graveyard, the dark, foreboding blues of Scar and

Mmmm, I love fresh, country fair Horndogs.  

Can I be a Werner Herzog gimmick account too?

“I look upon the seregetti and I do not see beauty, only nature in a state of incompletion.  This is a place that, if there is a god, was created in anger, the animals crying out in pain and agony HAKUNA MATATA!”

I am beyond sick of the baffling Beyonce worship.

You will probably never hear me complain about posting too many Werner Herzog “quotes.”

Executive producer: Werner Herzog.

Johnson is quickly becoming the Adam Sandler of action movies.

I still can’t believe so many people thought electing this imbecile was actually a good idea.

Scene 2 of Pretentious Bad-Name FanFic Spec Script:
Tripper Clancy and Cole Trickle carried candelabras through the friscolating dusklight. Betimes they sojourned to a bearskin tent whereupon beclaimed Trickle, “Rubbing is racing.”