Can With No Name

You know...I could see Gene Hackman, John Shea, or Michael Rosenbaum knocking it out of the park in a Lex as Lear take on the character.

“Dying on the toilet,” “dying while having sex,” and “dying while someone is holding your beer” are not mutually exclusive.  It’s a small and disturbing area on the Venn diagram, but it does exist.

Christina Ricci playing Morticia would be life coming full circle.

Super hot dogs are a Krypto currency.

(Not that we need another Addams Family movie, but Plaza as Morticia seems a no-brainer, right?)

Came here to stan for Cracklin’ Oat Bran. Glad to see someone beat me to it. I’ll take this opportunity to rep another underappreciated favorite: Quaker Oh’s!

Now now, you both get stars because you’re both right and Kevin is very wrong.

Wildly expensive for a tiny box.

Hey, everybody! We got ourselves a GROWN UP over here who doesn’t understand why us kids love the taste of Apple Jacks!

Since no one picked Captain Crunch, I declare there to be no winners. Only losers.

Chex cereals deserve recognition for their contributions to party snack mixes.

Very upset that Corn Pops went undrafted. Very happy no one pulled a Marchman.

To be fair, that episode is nearly a quarter-century old. I know the show’s been in perpetual syndication since then, but still, at some point we’ve gotta let go of the expectation that everybody will have comprehensive recall of the entire library of plot points.

trying to use humor as an excuse for incompetence.”

Nobody can say we didn't go down without a fight, and fuck you Ernie the Kinja Tech.

This wasn’t the first online community I’ve been a part of that I’ve watched die, and it probably won’t be the last, but it was certainly the last where I thought of it as a “community” without rolling my eyes. They’re all life-limited; I consider it pretty foolish to get attached at this point.

I couldn’t agree more. As one of the longest standing members here that saw most of the longtime community drop The AV Club—primarily because of the Kinjapocalypse—one of my biggest pop culture disappointments is just how much this site went downhill during the Univision takeover in general, and still suffers to this

On the bright side, it created an environment where someone like me can actually sound clever and informed

AV Club: Kinja was pretty disappointing.

No, he’s right -- her latest set is just awful. Observational humor only works when your audience can relate, which is not the case when all your bits are about being the daughter of the richest Buggalo ranchers on Mars.