Can With No Name

That was absolutely it! We came across that book while on a camping trip when I was a teenager and it really stuck with me.

Before we get started on these comments, does anybody want to get out?

You can’t know whether a reaction is reasonable or “hysterical” if you don’t know what they are reacting too. He is trying to have it both ways:

It’s a portmanteau of the words “dick” and “for”.

I am sure the folks who willfully misinterpreted his initial comments, who are addicted to outrage, will receive this sensitive and insightful statement with the nuance, empathy, and enlightenment that is their trademark.

Would you like another Trump headline? Because there’s ALWAYS another Trump headline.

Cookie Monster is a classic mistake. He’s going to get hungry before you will, and he’s an eating machine. You’re not going to win that battle. Oscar meat is 90% trash and is going to taste like tires and used condoms, and that’s if he doesn’t kill you out of spite on night one.  There’s not enough meat on Elmo to

I sometimes prefer the “I’ll say what I want in your language & you can reply to me in English” method. When learning a language, getting replies back and understanding them can be tough, because you don’t have enough vocabulary for all the alternatives (unless you are talking to a 4 year old). 

Yes, I’m that “particular kind of comic nerd” so my excitement for the Flash movie has gone from zero to one hundred. The headline should read: Comic Legend Grant Morrison to (co)write Flash movie (with some guy).

It was only a matter of time. You can’t see Gunn do the first movie without expecting him to pop back up in the third.

James Gunn, man. Legendary director.

The obvious answer to why she continues to look so youthful can be found in the drop of red on her chin. There’s blood in Arby’s Sauce and she’s a fucking vampire.

No it’s also being recast as a woman.

See I kinda think alpha flight would be a cool unexpected way to introduce the x men to the mcu in a few years. You could dovetail it off the end of Logan if you wanted a little fun acknowledgement to the already established fox x men since it was implied that the kids ran over to mutant safe harbor in canada. You

Marvel already has the perfect series for this. Back in 1944 Timely/Marvel Comics debuted Gay Comics.

It’s a bespoke toque, you cretin!!!

I’m worried his mainlining movies is going to develop into a habit.

I’m seein’ double - VIII IVs!!

An idea I had for why there’s a Clark Kent persona is that he’s initially reluctant to be a superhero at all, because he knows that if he ever comes down on one side or the other of a dispute, he will be able to end it, and he doubts his ability to know, with absolute certainty, that he’s doing the right thing. That’s

Realistically, you’d have to put some limits on a kid with Kal-El’s powers. Children are always doing things because their emotions overwhelm them and they’re not considering the consequences. With a normal kid that could be smashing a family heirloom in the midst of a tantrum; with him, it could be hurling a car