Can With No Name

What is a damn shame?

It’d be hard to read at the angles where the wings meet the fuselage though.

To be fair, it’s pretty easy to remember 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. 

I also thought Klaus/Diego worked really well. Given how different they are personality-wise, it felt the most like actual siblings. (I.e., I love you even though I don’t actually like you).

Yea, i know nothing about the comics, so i was thinking the Vanya part was not the twist, but rather the pre-amble to the real twist.

And the effect of the end of that episode hurt so much more.

I love this show more than I thought I would. Each of the characters feels believably broken from a lifetime of weird, broken shit. But the misery is punctuated by fun in a way the X-men movies have completely forgotten.

Was that the dance between Allison and Luther? It was amazing.

Minor-ish spoilers here, FYI: Finished this show in two days over the weekend. Never read the comic books, and I enjoyed the show a lot. It could have used a little less Hazel and Cha Cha, despite how fun the actors were, and a lot less pseudo-incest. I’m disappointed it’s not getting full coverage on this site, but

I assumed that, off camera, he just jumped out the window right after Tommen, in the kind of display of unmitigated loyalty and devotion for which cats are so well-known.

“Decided to commit a racist murder” is an awfully inflammatory way to say, “entertained a revenge fantasy against a different race after the rape of his friend by someone of that race.”

In a perfect world, Louis CK can weigh in on Liam Neeson and Barsanti can achieve nirvana.

Every time I start to decide that everyone should exhibit the kind of honesty Neeson showed in his admission, that maybe we should all open up about the times where we have been less than fair with other races, or the opposite sex, or whomever else we’ve wronged, I see an article like this and am reminded why we keep

If he just would have called them a “Black Irish Bastard” instead it would be the height of comedy.

Me: Oh look, another Barsanti article. You know what? I’ve spent enough of my time bashing him, so I’m going to bite my tongue this time. Deep breaths, Unnumbered. Deep brea-

We called it in the last article. Now let’s see how many more articles AV Club/Kinja pumps out about Neeson being such a virulent racist because he had one racist thought over 50 years ago that’s he’s terribly ashamed of now.

This is a major fail by Katie and any proofreader of this piece. Many of her sarcastic questions are actually answered in the article and transcripts/ recordings of the interview (I heard this line of questioning on XM this morning). Liam’s basically asked whether or not he can identify with the anger/ desire for

If you read the full interview, pretty much all of your questions will be answered. He didn’t say he was going to murder a random person, he said he was looking for confrontation to escalate it.

Yeah I’m really not sure where Katie gets that from. It seems to me like she wants him to be a racist so she’s taking the quotes in the worst possible context; which is petty, mean spirited and not helpful for anyone

I think outrage at this might be a touch overblown.