
Such a witty retort! Damn you’re really crushing it! Quick question. Why are you quoting what someone else wrote as if I posted it? Reading is Fundamental! Are you old enough to get that reference? I digress.

I don’t see the ad hominem. I didn’t outright call you a racist. But if you took it that way, so be it. Hit dog and all that...

My daughter has a TikTok account. We watch it together sometimes. Dance videos, challenges and the like. No Chinese propaganda though. I’m still on plot. Sorry to disappoint. And I’m not making assumptions. I’m making an assessment based on what you and others say. A whole lot of nothing backed up by even less. Not so

She should go take a shit in his bed and blame it on the dog.

And this, ladies and gentlemen is why you shouldn’t make assumptions. I don’t even have a TikTok account. In fact, I don’t have any social media accounts. And even if I did, I don’t take everything I see at face value. And although I don’t have a TikTok account I can see how dangerous this legislation is. It doesn’t

I couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m not trying to school you, I was laughing at you. And I still am. The mic drop wasn’t for me it was for you because you owned me so badly. Why don’t you take a look at who funds the Council on Foreign Relations. A few names should stand out like Raytheon, Microsoft, McKinsey &

This is a surprisingly good take coming from Mr. Novak. His analysis of foreign policy is usually dogshit, in my opinion. At least on this site. Don’t know what his true feelings are. Oh well, broken clock and all.

USAID is a CIA cutout. All that other stuff is just PR.

Right. Literally millions of people were in the streets protesting. They went in anyway because they already had plans to go in. The WMDs were just a pretext.

I can’t tell if this is over-the-top sarcasm or frothing-at-the-mouth jingoism. You get both on this site.

It’s fine when we do it because we’re the good guys. It’s not hypocritical. We’re the indispensable nation, as Obama put it. The Shining City on the Hill, as Regan put it. We are morally, socially, and intellectually unimpeachable. The rest of the world needs to understand that, dammit!

Most of the world seems to think so. Check the polling.

And because China said it it’s automatically a lie? Your reply is the official line of the CIA/State Department/DOD all proven liars and warmongers. You actually posted a link from the BBC as proof? LOL!  The BBC is nothing more than an MI6 cutout. And the other links you posted are from sites that are heavily funded

There was a CIA funded insurgency in Xinjiang using the Uyghurs as a proxy. The Chinese put down the insurgency. Were they a little heavy-handed? Of course, as all state power is. But they didn’t crush the insurgency with force alone. They also built schools, the built mosques, they built infrastructure, they taught

Bravo, sir! This is spot on.

I don’t care what the Chinese do in China. I don’t care if they can get on Facebook or Instagram. If our ideas are superior to theirs what is the issue? You think the US government doesn’t engage in massive propaganda and psyop campaigns against its own citizens. Hollywood , the arts, and music are heavily funded by

China has been ‘protecting’ its citizens from ‘harmful’ Western ideas for decades, but now that we want to protect ours from their ideas (which are usually presented in an insidious, deceptive and manipulative manner), then all of a sudden we don’t want to test our ideas?

Bernie Sanders refuses to call the genocide in Gaza a genocide. He’s a coward who lacks the courage of his convictions. He knows this bill will go nowhere and won’t fight for it. 

The Supreme Court says otherwise. Stanley v. Georgia (1969) established that the 1st Amendment also protects the right of individuals to receive information and ideas. Martin v. City of Struthers (1940) also did. And most notably so did Board of Education v. Pico (1982).

Finally, someone who knows what they’re talking about.