
Tik-Tok Bad! But we will keep using it!

Those sites you mention are effectively manipulated by Israeli media and get their topics from them, also NYT? You actually take them seriously? I’ll ask for evidence though since I’m curious. Before February... no, Dec2023/January 2024 when Biden’s numbers were tanking or around the time the UN’s vote was vetoed by

yeah screw them for not wanting to enrich our class of already rich dickheads and not allowing us to more effectively spy on them

Not letting a foreign adversary (who has interfered in elections, just like Russia)

“potentially” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

Ahh yes, because you don’t like how China does things, the answer is to... do things like China?

Yes, Tiktok played a noticeable role in how the US public learned what’s been happening in Gaza and against Palestinians, because the app is not under US informational control as much as the rest of social media sites. It goes to show you how much another country controls the flow of information in western nations.

and this is a threat why exactly? as if the american gov’t and every other social media doesn’t have boatloads of info on you

I somewhat wonder if the best thing would be for this to pass, then get challenged and taken to the Supreme Court. Setting a precedent that no, you can’t do this shit, would be a good thing. And I wouldn’t exactly feel bad about TikTok in particular being the company that has to take on the burden.

Trump is guilty and a POS, but your example is not really applicable to the defense he tried to make. Their argument is that he lied to the banks to get the loans, but he repaid the loans on time and in full, so the banks don’t really care and suffered no negative consequences from his fraud. you example is

Stewart really showed he is in the liberal dimm hate orange man bubble of not knowing what he is talking about this time .

Stop defending TikTok.

controlled by an adversarial government”

Yes it’s so courageous to say that “orange man bad” like everybody including literally everybody in Hollywood. He really is a coward for not doing it.

Apparently Lola and I have a different definition of ‘reamed’

Both things can be true: Johnny Depp has anger issues, and Amber Heard failed to prove she was a victim of domestic violence in court.

Plenty of folks in the government knew there weren’t WMDs in Iraq. The Bush Administration was going in no matter what.

It’s no secret that pretty much everything the federal US government does is out of self-interest and expanding their influence(or another country’s). What’s even more concerning is how much they work to keep the US populace in their respective bubbles as well.

Almost all our underhanded attempts to overthrow or remove governments have backfired spectacularly. Sanctions haven’t worked. Our attempts to replace governments have even ended up with us supporting horrific dictators.

The US has been undermining Cuba for a very long time out of fear that Cuba could demonstrate communism can work.