
Damn straight! Being an adult means ignoring the fact that you are contributing to the mass slaughter of innocents. These spoiled babies need to learn to blindly follow authority like you do, amirite?

Yes, how utterly childish of them to want to end apartheid and an active genocide.

Were there mass rapes, beheadings, and babies cooked in ovens on Oct 7? How you answer that question will tell if your well-informed or not about Gaza.

The death throes of a moribund empire.

Yes he does talk about it. I thought we all understood at this point that that’s just red meat for the base. I seem to have missed the part where Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and other Dem politicians were sentenced to lengthy prison sentences.

The holder of the highest office should be held to the same account as the lowest street-level criminal when a crime is committed. He should also be held to the same account as people who commit similar crimes. I don’t believe in selective prosecutions. If you’re going to prosecute him then you need to prosecute

That wasn’t my argument at all. You seem to have missed the part where I said I would be ok with ALL fraudsters being prosecuted. You also missed that part where I said DT should be prosecuted for financial crimes. Curious.

Oh won’t someone please think of all those poor banksters who were defrauded out of their hard-earned money!

Nothing tin foil about that theory

It’s amazing that in a de facto two-party system self-described liberals and progressives are ok with this. Eventually, in a two-party system, the other party will be back in power, possibly Donald Trump or one of hic acolytes. Are you OK with the prospect that Trump, or De Santis, or another “next Hitler” having the

All of the hot new dances and stupid challenge videos, I guess.

We have a thing call The Constitution that prevents that. What this bill is is an attempt to circumvent The Constitution. That should bother everyone. Sadly it doesn’t.

I didn’t ask you to prove anything. I also wasn’t trying to insult you. I said I’m not convinced that you aren’t a racist. You may or may not be. As I stated, I find most white liberals to be racists when you dig a little deeper. Not the burn-a-cross-on-your-lawn type, but the NIMBY, paternalistic, self-righteous

America has truly become a kakistocracy.

If we had a rational and functional political system what you’re saying would make perfect sense. But we don’t. The problem is that they aren’t necessarily against increased government overreach. They want that power for themselves too.

Really! I was expecting something else.

Does it really?

D) I’m more interested in pissing off people like you.

“I’d wager” means I’m confident enough in my assessment that were I a betting man, I’d put money on it. But please post a link to some Chinese propaganda you’ve seen on TikTok. I’m sincerely asking you. Please enlighten me to the dangers of “CCP propaganda” that I might protect myself and my family.

I’m not convinced that you aren’t. Most anti-China sentiment in the West is rooted in racism that goes back at least a century or more. Also, I find most white Liberals to be racists when you scratch the surface. Are you the exception? Maybe. Probably not though. I’m not trying to insult you but I’m also not sorry if