Then you should also be mad at the Clintons, Bidens, Pelosis and Obamas, etc. Servitude to the ruling class is bipartisan.
Then you should also be mad at the Clintons, Bidens, Pelosis and Obamas, etc. Servitude to the ruling class is bipartisan.
Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar eats you
I put communist in scare quotes. I know China is not a communist country. You must have missed that.
I would say that is true in other situations, but not this one. It’s surprising, but not shocking, how little rank and file liberals understand about modern conservativism as a movement. Nothing Kamala Harris does will do anything to sway those conservative senators. Maybe she can glean something from her party…
Dude, your comment, and almost all of the comments in the replies are dripping with Western chauvinism. Let’s not forget that the WHO already conducted a month-long, intensive inquiry into covid with the full cooperation of the Chinese government. The report found no evidence of Chinese culpability or any lab origin bu…
Well, when you have a country with one-fourth of the population of China and literally one hundred-times the covid death toll, what do you expect? You can’t admit “communism” succeeded where capitalism failed, so you deflect.
And you trust anything coming from the intelligence community? OK, I’ll give you a preview.
This site and, frankly, all of the other GMG sites are awash with liberal imperialists. You’re never going to get through to them. I’m surprised you’re not still in the greys like me.
Not really. Israel is a settler colonial project supported by Western imperialist governments. It could not exist without its military and its military would not exist if not for forced conscription. The US settler colonial project is largely completed. Yet our imperial wars continue abroad. Removing the draft…
Not true.
Uyghurs were exempt from both the one-child and two-child policy until recently. Uyghur population in China increased between 2010 and 2018 by around 2 million. It wasn’t until 2017 that the exemption ended.
The intelligence reports can be trusted now because the Blue Team in in charge. Didn’t you get the memo?
They are. The spread of evangelical Christianity in Central America has its roots in the Dirty Wars the US waged in the region in the late 70's and 80's. It’s just one of the many facets of US imperialism.
Student debt can be erased with an executive order and could have been done on his first day in office. None of the things you mentioned have any bearing on that.
Not only them, but the politicians who are invested in companies that hold the debt.
A lot of questions.
I forgot I was commenting on Jezebel, but the same applies.
Wow! Finding someone capable of rational discussion on the Root is a rarity.
And therein lies the problem. I don’t expect you to follow U.S, politics closely enough to be able to see through the bs propaganda both parties put out. If what you said were true, that health care is best left to the Democrats, we would already have universal healthcare. Democrats had a supermajority in both houses…
I assumed you were from the States. My apologies. But as someone living outside of the U.S., there are some things that, even though theoretically or conceptually, you may understand, and can articulate, you will never fully grasp. One of them is health care, or I should say, living without it. And that’s just the tip…