
It’s sad that you believe that. Given such a choice, some of us would rather starve, or look elsewhere for food. Keep eating that shit sandwich, my guy. Bon appetit!

They’re already here. Scroll down a little.

But you continue to support them. Go figure. What’s that saying about the definition of insanity?

Again, you can’t rebut the argument on its merits so you focus on typos.

First of all. It’s a tax credit. Meaning that if you don’t file taxes, as many poor people do not, you don’t get it. Second, not all poor people have children or have dependent children young enough to qualify for the payment. Third, it’s temporary. I’m not against it, but it’s a means-tested half-measure.

I imagine it was how Romulus Augustus felt before the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

My comment was not necessarily about Trump. I realize that Trump was only there to serve as a cipher who fed red meat to the rubes. The party leadership and their masters are the ones who really wielded power. I agree that Trump repeatedly shot himself in the foot, but the party not so much. They got what they wanted

There is more party unity among the Democrat “base” on matters of substance than you give them credit for. Redistributive policies consistently poll well among Democrat voters.

Maybe to you or me, but to Liberals she’s a Girl Boss. Yaas Kween!

They don’t hate themselves, they hate you.

I could get behind this if not for the fact that 63% of respondents in a recent poll in WVA supported a $15 min. wage. And if libertarian paradise Florida can pass a $15 min wage then I’d say it could pass anywhere else.

Yes. Keep voting for Democrats despite the fact that they don’t give a shit about poor, working and oppressed people enough to even put up the most basic resistance to the GOP. What’s that saying about the definition of insanity again?

Joe Biden has been the same, right-wing politician for his entire career. What did you expect?

Thank you! Joe Biden has been the same politician for the entirety of his 40+  year career. He is, and always has been, a right-wing politician

Actually, I wouldn’t call her feckless. She rather efficient at serving the ruling class who control the Democrat party. 

Have you not been paying attention to how the GOP operates for the last 12 or so years? Do you really need to ask that question? Are the limits of your political imagination such that you can’t even fathom how the leader of a party and its highest ranking officials could bring their party members in line? No answer I

You can’t rebut the argument on its merits so you focus on a typo. Great work, my guy!

I know they aren’t going to die on that hill. That’s the problem. And $15 already is a compromise. If the min. wage was actually indexed to inflation and reflected productivity it would be around $25-$28.

How much difference would that actually make? The guy votes with the GOP 85 -90% of the time. He’s already a Republican. I know what you’re going to say. MITCH MCONNELL! GOP OBSTRUCTION! WE HAVE TO KEEP THE MAJORITY! Btw all of those Federalist Society nutjobs Trump put on the bench were not all confirmed along strict

Again. If they wanted to, they could easily get them on board. I’ll say it directly. The Dems do not want a $15 minimum wage