
Democrats don’t need Joe Manchin for anything other than being the fall guy for killing progressive legislation they ostensibly support but secretly want to kill.

If history is any indicator, you’re loosing the Senate anyway. So why not do something that may improve your chances of keeping it. 32 million people would see their annual income raised by at least $3000 and tens of thousands of people would be lifted out of poverty. That’s a great campaign ad. The only reason the


If you you really want media that will help you face your privilege and try to understand the situation, you could do a whole hell of a lot better than the root.

Neither Obama nor the Dems were ever actually on board with reparations of any kind, much less a check. This is jut Obama, once again, trying to paper over his record and failed presidency.

Same here.

Libya had the highest standard of living on the continent before the NATO coup. Now it’s a failed state with open air slave markets and warring factions that further destabilize the region. You should be mad too.

I meant I’m not mad Neera Tanden won’t be confirmed. She’s a terrible person with terrible politics. She doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near the levers of power. Fuck Joe Manchin too!

I can’t believe I’m typing this, but not everything is necessarily about race. Yes Republicans are racists, but they are also imperialists and corporatists. Had you bothered to take even a cursory look at the records and political ideologies of the people already confirmed versus the people who weren’t or are facing

Marceline for OMB! She been carrying Democratic water here just for the love. I say its about time that loyalty is rewarded.”

I don’t believe they were meant to be palatable to the right. The cynic in me thinks they were all sacrificial lambs, save LLoyd Austin. Biden can signal to his base that he’s all about “diversity” and “unity”. Liberals, who only care about representation, not policy or a person’s record, can feel good that “progress”

Sometimes people do the right thing for the wrong reason. I’m not complaining.

Then that kills your whole argument right there. Colleges will never lower their rates under any condition unless forced to do so. And only the federal government has the power to make that happen. So, again, if the federal government forces them to lower tuition as you have rightly suggested would have to happen,

You’re contradicting your own argument. You said the solution is lowering college tuition costs. Is that possible or not? If the answer is yes, then that solution has no bearing on loan forgiveness for people who already attended college and took out loans. If, by whatever means you are suggesting, college tuition is

You don’t have to explain the ills of capitalism to me. True, I don’t know any rich people. Fraud by rich people gaming the system is still a weak argument against policy that will disproportionally help poor people. Rich people are always going the game the system because they make the rules.

Public school funding is largely based on property taxes. Property taxes are based on arbitrary home values. The same home from a neighborhood with a higher percentage of non-white residents will be worth more in an all-white or near-all-white neighborhood. This is why white kids from lower income brackets have better

Why not do both?

How many rich people do you know who have taken out student loans, let alone have student loan debt? That’s a weak argument.

Reinstating people’s debt would be wildly unpopular and all but guarantee an electoral defeat. Just Imagine.

Last I checked opposition to M4A was bipartisan. Biden himself stated he would veto it if it came across his desk, even during a pandemic.