
Maybe you should stop voting Dem (assuming you still do). Wishful thinking does nothing if you continue voting against your own interests.

Being uninformed is not necessarily a product of white privilege. The overwhelming majority of Americans are not just uninformed, but misinformed. Corporate liberal media hardly if ever reported on Obama’s many failings and misdeeds because he’s on their team and he was a faithful steward of empire. Trump is not so

Larry Hogan killed the Red Line in Baltimore, a project literally decades in the making, which would have linked low income Black people in Baltimore with better housing and job opportunities in other areas. Larry Hogan is a piece of shit. A supposed “good Republican” who ,in any other state he would be just a

Obama didn’t roll back shit. Militarization and federal funding for police increased under Obama. Tracked vehicle were simply replaced with wheeled ones; a clever and cynical work around. And let’s not forget the Blue Alert law he signed into law to “protect” police officers. Black people really need to look beyond

The corporate morons already have their own party, the Democrats. If anything, progressives need to leave and form a party with leftists.

The GOP denies climate change but the Dems only cynically pay lip service to it. Which, in my opinion, is worse. Both parties do absolutely nothing about climate change but one pretends to care while undermining any hope of slowing it.

Neoliberal imperialism, but from a Black female perspective. Gotta love it!

Dominicans eat arroz con habichuelas. It is a staple in DR, not the only staple, but a staple nonetheless.

Debt-free means you pay nothing. Everything is free (tuition, fees, books, etc.). Tuition-free means only tuition is free but you still pay for books and other fees. Fees and book prices will undoubtedly be jacked up under this scenario.

Dems don’t want to win if they can’t win on their terms. So they will never run an economic populist anywhere because they don’t agree with economic populism, and will actively seek to undermine those candidates. They only begrudgingly accept the more leftish candidates after they’ve won a primary. The whole big tent

I was going to post a response saying basically what you just posted. But I decided not to waste my time because, more likely than not, no one would see it. I mostly get ignored because my views are unpopular here. This site caters its message to the Black elite and doesn’t want to upset the apple cart. The writers

They’re probably at brunch at the moment. Check back later.

And you know all of this from where? MSNBC and CNN who function basically as Pentagon stenographers? You get your information from foreign policy “experts” who have never even set foot in China, let alone speak Mandarin or Cantonese. Dude, your jingoist, liberal interventionist talking points are so tired and even

Welcome to the wonderful world of atheism!

Why does China’s influence need to be checked? And what gives the US the right to be the one checking it? Hegemony isn’t an inalienable right. China’s influence is growing because they look to partner with other nations and not dominate them militarily and economically. They don’t overthrow governments because the

You’re underestimating the allure and power of the Culture War.

When you offer people nothing but more of the same and someone else offers them something, even if that something is lies and magical thinking, what do you think the result will be? Dems have themselves to blame for losing to trump. They blew a wide-open, game-winning layup but blame everyone else for losing and still

Right. If you’re friends with a racist, classist asshole, you’re probably one too.

African migrants being caged, tortured, and sold in open-air markets in Libya might beg to differ. 

Ding Ding Ding! We’ve got a winner folks! A combination of persons 1, 2, and 3 as described by the author. People like you are part of the reason this country is doomed to fail and be tossed in the dustbin of history. You cannot fathom the idea of what a functioning society of people who care for one another’s