Right. I love how he was able to whitewash the horrors of American imperialism at home and abroad with eloquent words and speeches. Good times.
Right. I love how he was able to whitewash the horrors of American imperialism at home and abroad with eloquent words and speeches. Good times.
Wait. When did bringing home troops from a 19 and 17 year-old wars, that have caused thousands of American deaths and possibly millions of Iraqi and Afghani deaths, untold horrors and suffering, and literally trillions spent with no benefit to the American people, become a bad thing? Oh right its because the other…
Yeah! The boot on my neck doesn’t hurt nearly as much if a woman is wearing it. Hooray for tokenism, oh I mean representation!
GTFOH! Before the election was even called centrist and right-wing Dems were blaming their lackluster performance on progressives and not the shitty campaigns they ran. If you Dems really wanted to win you would be trying to attract and make overtures to the largest voting bloc in America- non-voters - instead of…
You really missed the point of the article. It’s not about women at the DOD or a woman president. It’s about how politicians, liberals and conservatives, use representation as a shield and a cudgel. They appoint someone like this with a horrendous record of militarism, but because she is a woman, establishment media…
Framing the Trump presidency solely as a a racist reaction to Obama and not even mentioning the effect of 40 years of neoliberal policy and institutional rot in both parties is, at best, intellectually dishonest, and at worst, cynical gaslighting. Democrats and Republicans are responsible for creating the economic and…
You have to maintain the appearance of meritocracy or else the whole system will collapse.
Scared animals can be the most dangerous.
“Capitalism is a scam.”
The guy who supported Elizabeth “Capitalist to her Bones” Warren now states that capitalism is a scam? A little late to the party, eh? Stop half-assing shit! You’re either anti-capitalist or you aren’t. There can be no in-between, fence-straddling. If you truly believe capitalism is a scam, use you platform to…
Corporate bailouts for me, poverty for thee!
The U.S.’s biggest problem is capitalism, racialized capitalism specifically. Any problem or social ill you can imagine - including the ones you listed (a propagandized population)- fall under that umbrella, e.g. mass incarceration, police brutality, income inequality, homelessness, wars of imperialism, environmental…
I still don’t believe he has it.
I think only the president and first lady get a lifetime security detail.
The Tea Party was fringe in the beginning. Then the inmates took over the asylum. Don’t underestimate these people.
The only thing I’m proving is that your reading comprehension leaves much to be desired.
Swing and a miss!
First off, I’m not a liberal. Second, I’m not praying for anything because I already know what’s going to happen.
Because Dem also want to wield the same power. They just lack the political savvy of Mitch et al.