
Well, prepare to have your hopes dashed against the wall. Even if Biden wins (and that’s a huge if) the civility-minded Dems would never do that. They’re too worried about what people who would never vote for them think. And, they have no incentive to pursue any progressive policy goals now that Sanders has been

Gee, if only Clinton had bothered to campaign in WI, PA, and MI, perhaps she would have won. 

That is, word-for-word, what I was thinking.

That doesn’t change the fact that he should have released to tapes sooner. His duty as a journalist is to report the news, not try to cash in by writing a self-serving tell-all book so you can be relevant again.

I’m still not convinced Biden won SC. I’m not saying the DNC cheated, but I don’t believe they didn’t. 


How long will it be before she’s welcomed into the #Resistance with her POS husband?

You responses in this article to me and other posters lets me know a lot about your worldview, political and otherwise. I’m going to assume that this worldview is largely informed by mainstream, corporate media outlets like MSNBC, CNN, The Times, The Post, etc. I won’t be responding to you anymore, on this thread or

A placeholder for whom?

Now playing

I know how the Iraq sanctions work. I know who imposed them. I know who refused to allow the sanctions be lifted. By not allowing the sanctions to be lifted, they became his. He owned them, along with all of the suffering they caused. 500,000 are UNICEF numbers not mine.

Colin Powell got more air time than she did. You remember him, right? He’s the guy who lied to the UN that Iraq had WMD’s. The war criminal. That guy, who’s still a republican, btw. That guy got more airtime that a sitting member of congress. 

Please articulate how the party has moved left on any substantive policy matters. Wearing Kente cloth and taking a knee is empty symbolism. 

You really have no clue how sanctions work.

Being less of a monster than other presidents is a pretty fucking low bar and doesn’t make you reasonably good. I’m all for nuance but you’re rationalizing. As far as presidents go, he wasn’t a total disaster for white America. I guess that’s the barometer for presidential success. Again that doesn’t make him good by

Don’t worry. They won’t be voting for Biden. Well, i guess you should worry then.

These so-called Never Trump Republicans will still vote for Trump because in their heart of hearts they’re still loyal Republicans. The Dems think that if they can go just right enough they’ll win over these “suburban” voters, a fool’s errand. They’re still courting the Reagan Democrats despite failing miserably to

They both helped lay the groundwork for Trump’s fascist infrastructure.

500,000 Iraqi children (who would be adults now) would beg to differ if they hadn’t died from Clinton’s sanctions. Or maybe the Serbs should thank him for all of the cluster bombs NATO dropped that still pose a threat to civilians after killing hundreds. Or maybe the millions of new prison inmates that resulted from

I have no love for the Clintons, either of them. But to say that the party is moving left is laughable. Left of 2016 is only slightly less center-right. And I would be extremely surprised if Harris and Biden propose Eisenhower era tax brackets given that Biden has already stated that he won’t seek the kind of

Cdawg14 and Marceline are the same person.