AOC got 60 seconds of air time. Four Republicans spoke at the convention. Biden has already assured Wall Street that nothing will change. Where, pray tell do you think the party is going? Cause it damn sure ain’t to the left!
AOC got 60 seconds of air time. Four Republicans spoke at the convention. Biden has already assured Wall Street that nothing will change. Where, pray tell do you think the party is going? Cause it damn sure ain’t to the left!
Motherfucker looks exactly how I pictured him in my head.
Drinking bottled water is wasteful and has a deleterious effect on the environment. Those bottles will end up in the ocean, recycled or not. Then they make their way up the food chain and into our bodies. We consume a credit-card- sized amount of plastic every week.
They meant anyone who worked on a primary against an establishment candidate. The DCCC definately tried to get Rashida Tlaib out of the paint.
The only people misinterpreting this are white people. What a surprise!
The so-called “moderate rebels” of Syria are linked to Al-Qaeda and ISIS. We armed a purported enemy all in the name of regime change. Then it got out of hand, as it always does, and Russia and Iran had to clean up our mess. So no, you can’t make an argument for Syria.
You’re correct. Language matters. To that end I’ll use more accurate terminology to describe US foreign policy: war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Definitions only matter in academia. 500,000 children died from Clinton sanctions on Iraq. Over 40,000 people died from Trump sanctions on Venezuela since 2017. That’s terrorism in my book. Hiding behind dictionary definitions only seeks to deflect.
Perhaps I do.
There are plenty of examples of Black leaders being falsely convicted. It should be common knowledge now that State powers have a long history of falsely accusing and convicting Black folk and those they consider a threat to the status quo such as communists, socialists, and activists. I honestly don’t feel like…
Members of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense who were not outright killed were either jailed or forced into exile. The same can be said for the MOVE organization and the Black Liberation Army. All of these incarcerated individuals spent inhumane amount of time and continue to spend much of their time in…
Well you know, hundreds US assassination attempts, infiltration of government by pro-US operatives, and constant threat of a US-sponsored coup would make anyone a bit paranoid. And as detention and torture of political prisoners goes, the US is leagues ahead of anything Castro could even imagine. COINTELPRO comes to…
Who would have thought that someone who pals around with one of America’s most wretched war criminals is also a shitty person?
Why would they need help from Europe? They’re are a sovereign nation and people. What could Europe offer them except neocolonialism and IMF austerity?
What is Castro’s style of governance? One could argue that its is a direct result of unrelenting pressure from the U.S. to oust him from the very second Batista was overthrown. Castro had not yet allied himself with the USSR before Washington began plotting to overthrow him. Declassified CIA documents attest to this…
We all know they’re still going to vote for him, right?
I read the article, and I also read her campaign website.
You’re not going to protect Black Americans if you follow the same hawkish national security policies of the current and previous administrations.