
That is one ugly motherfucker, man. He looks like Beavis and Butthead did the fusion dance.

The language we use to describe things matters. As such I would suggest that in your writing you refrain from using race riot to refer to the events of May 31, 1921. It was not a riot it was a massacre. It was wholesale slaughter of innocents. It was mass murder. It was a pogrom. It was racial terror. Framing it as a

Kids today don’t know what irony actually is.

If I go to the bank tomorrow and apply for a mortgage I’ll still very likely be charged a higher interest rate the a less qualified white man. But one racist has to move back to the trailer park so I guess we’re even.

Inmate #... (hopefully)

2016 was also the Dems’ race to lose also. I can’t remember whose words these are: Republicans fear their base, Democrats hate theirs. Bill Clinton and Corporate Dems sold us out to Wall Street. The “Senator from MBNA” is now the presumptive nominee and is already signaling to the donor class that the gravy train will

I’ll bet dollars to donuts (no pun intended) a cop sent that text.

It’s a vulgar display of power. They know we know the truth, but they lie to us because we can’t do anything about it and they know it. It’s characteristic of a society in decline. We are living in the twilight of the American Empire, a failed state.

Benghazi should have been a scandal for other reasons but wasn’t. The CIA and State Department were funneling weapons and stolen Libyan gold to extremists in Syria.

I guess symbolic victories are enough for some of us. With or without Kaep the NFL is still one of the most racist, exploitative organizations out there. Yet many Black folk will still support it and deflect away any criticism for that support. Have you learned nothing? (rhetorical question). Enjoy your table scraps.

The foot soldiers of capitalism where I live are regularly paid overtime hours to guard private businesses in full uniform. That’s the way it is.

Perhaps it’s time to say enough is enough. Stop voting for them. Don’t let their fear tactics sway you (vote for me or else...Republicans!). The Dems are like a mentally abusive lover. They tell you they love you then neglect you. They tell you that you’ll never do better than them so you should just accept it and

In a white supremacist, capitalist matrix as you’ve so aptly described it, the white supremacist capitalists have all of the power. They can create wealth literally and figuratively out of whole cloth. We are in no position to fight them on those terms. Capitalists make the rules and break, bend, or change them as

White supremacy cannot be fought through capitalism. This is ridiculous.

Right! Every single cop show and movie is police propaganda. I refuse to watch any of them. Even the ones with Black protagonists.

White people gon’ white. They probably already have a new group up and running.

OK. I see. You want more trustworthy reporting within the confines of the corporate media landscape? Good luck with that.

There are plenty of independent news sources that report objectively. All you have to do is look.

The reporting at The Post is just as bad as The Times. And their op-ed section is far worse. 

And I said nothing against the point you were making. I was bored so I thought I’d share a little info.