
Oh, for fuck’s sake.

So many people have devoted 25+ years of their lives to obtaining a PhD, academic research, and writing to teach at a world renowned university. If Angelina Jolie was teaching my class I would want my money back.

I’m reminded that nearly naked, young healthy models were dropping like flies after standing in the heat at Kayne’s show this week. She’s wearing a full freaking suit. It’s hot. She got overheated. Clearly she has a fatal disease and is too ill to serve.

It is fucking outrageous that she had to, AGAIN, defend her email actions, while Trump skated by, AGAIN, without giving any substantive answers. What the actual fuck? Should we not be listening to her talk about policy at a forum about policy? She’s the only candidate who has something real to say, based on facts and

Matt Lauer is a hack. It is true. That wasn’t embarrassing for Clinton, it was embarrassing for NBC. Hey NBC how can your “marquee talent” not understand how to stay on point or be respectful to Military/Veteran’s issues facing this country? Fire him. If a woman had pulled that crap, there would be calls for her head

he spent a third of his time with Clinton on questions about her private email server

Tom Cruise was right — Matt Lauer is glib.

But still: Secretary Clinton and Jezebel felt like a match made in media expediency heaven.


And moms are stupid or something?

No, because she wholeheartedly supported Barrack Obama’s nomination and immediately campaigned for him. She did not drag her feet nor did she try to claim a moral, political revolution and attempt to bring a contested convention. She saw the big picture and supported the democratic nominee as one should when beaten in

I’m very tired of the expectation that the winning candidate is expected to jump through hoops to appease the loser.

  • Days it took for Hillary Clinton to endorse Barack Obama after he became the party’s presumptive nominee: 4

This is a hilariously dumb comment, I think I might be impressed if it was meant as a troll.

Am I the only one who just doesn’t care at this point? I really wish Clinton would say, “Yeah, no. You lost, your platform lost, if you want to be with the winning team then sure endorse me, but I’m not bending over for you.”

No. It wasn’t illegal, not any of it. Comey was part of the Whitewater investigation and is Republican. He hates her. That’s why he held the unnecessary press conference. Because he couldn’t do anything else.

Sure why cant all of our elected officials also be IT security experts?!

Twenty plus years and untold millions wasted trying to frame the Clintons shady af and it boils down to a consentual blow job and a server with 0.04% potentially sensitive documents.

Nope. The investigation encompassed her entire staff, which includes many potential fall guys. The unanimous recommendation was that none of them should face charges, not just HRC.

The totality of the classified emails sent and received over 4 years on Hillary’s private email server: .36% if you’re just totaling the 30,000 handed over, or .22% if you assume they got to 10-20,000 more via fragments, other government accounts, etc.