
Ugh, I used to love Sanders, but I think he’s being such a shit little white man and saying that Hillary basically has to adopt all of HIS policy platforms before he’ll endorse her. Ummm, bro, Hillary is way more qualified than you are to be President and just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she can’t have her own

I would also add that Hillary did not only pull the Center Dems. I’m a progressive, and a registered independent, and I only had to glance at Bernie’s website to know he was not the candidate for me. I am not alone in this. I’ve posted it elsewhere on Jez, but this purity test liberal BS coming from the Berniecrats is

Bernie wasn’t even a fucking democrat until just a short time before he decided that the year the woman, was running was his one chance to try out a presidential campaign. Of course the DNC wasn’t paying him as much attention - he was new to the party. He had all the time he wanted to learn how things ran, the rules

Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama

This is a super good use of the DNC’s time this general election.

Oh FFS. These teachers were privately blowing off steam. This hacker is a dick for making the students see these comments.

Whatever, teachers aren’t saints and everyone has to blow off steam about their work. It’s also a well known fact that teenagers are awful (I can say that, having once been an awful teen myself). Maybe work on your firewalls or something.

The longer he keeps it up, the more he just looks like a tool who couldn’t handle losing.

Yeah, people’s perspectives tend to change once you use misrepresentations to justify your supporters’ use of misogyny and threats and then refuse to concede after you’ve lost.

You clearly know nothing unless Bernie’s stans spoon feed it to you in form of a meme.

And yet she conceded far earlier in ‘08 even though she was much closer in delegates to Obama. No one was telling her she had “every right to be there.” The opposite in fact.

To me, it’s insanely disrespectful to Hillary that he hasn’t conceded yet. He has clearly lost. It’s not a contest. She has more votes and more pledged delegates. It’s over. I would like to see him graciously admit defeat and attempt to work with Hillary. He needs to put his ego aside, call off his rabid fan base and

I never really understand this argument about Hillary being a warmonger. Maybe she is, but you do realize that the Secretary of State doesn’t just... go around independently making policy decisions right? That anything she did in that position was directed by President Obama and his administration? Honestly, if

Whoa, wh0a, whoa. This site has been pretty impressive in NOT having a bias towards Clinton. I would venture to say that Gawker as a whole has actually been biased TOWARDS Sanders.

I was having a debate in step with this the other night. My main point is that it’s troubling that Sanders is continuing a campaign supposedly to exercise the will of the people, but the people have spoken and they didn’t pick him. To continue on with this just shows he’s not really that different from every other old

Such an old white man thing to do. Talk about income equality, eschew the opportunity to save a year of an average american salary every day if it actually affects what you feel like doing.

he also conned thousands of poor and unemployed people to give him campaign contributions

One of the most aggavating things about this election has been watching certain idiot BernieBros insist that Hillary is “basically a Republican” because she voted for the Iraq War.

A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?