
Who is saying that? We have a duty to vote for Hillary because she’s the better of the two candidates

I love Chrissy Teigen so much.

Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.

My issues with Bernie are fairly simple. Maybe if I were 22 I’d be able to ignore them all.

Here’s your Hillary’s Dank Meme thread...

The first woman ever nominated by a major American political party for President of the United States in our 240-year existence. And my Senator, who I got to vote for twice and who did a fantastic job representing New York (there’s a reason the NY primary was a blowout).

So I know it probably won’t be official until tomorrow, but I’m’ll celebrate anyway!

In 2008, Bernie Sanders, who had said it was his custom to never endorse until after an election was decided, endorsed Obama after he had mathematically clinched - INCLUDING super delegates. He did so before Clinton conceded, saying that the election was “over.”

No, she’s thinking of the down ticket. She also understands that if she doesn’t win CA, Bernie is going to take his whiny butt to the convention.

“It looks like this is your democratic nominee” —- is that the best you can do, Jezebel? This is the FIRST WOMAN NOMINEE OF A MAJOR POLITICAL PARTY! How about a little enthusiasm for this major event in your nation’s history?

Except she’s not any of those things. You sound irrational, frankly.

But... Biden is to her right... how does that make sense for the Berners who say she’s not liberal enough? :p

I’ve gotta say, as a woman, I’m kind of having a moment right now. My daughter will grow up in a different world than I did and it thrills me.

No matter how you feel about her, 100 years ago American women didn’t even have the right to vote, so this is pretty cool.

Sanders staying in the race isn’t sexist, but it is delusional AF.

His choice to stay in the race is not sexist. His reactions to several women reporters have been sexist.

I’m a Hill-bot all the way, but that’s kind of a bullshit question. It’s a lot of things - stupid, petty, bitter, dangerous to the outcome of the election and therefore the country- if he does keep up this farce of taking it to the convention, but it’s not sexist. He has been sexist on occasion and certainly doesn’t

Not entirely surprised.

Marvin K. Bernie you will get your ass in gear!