Brilliant. Clinton is so much better than she’s given credit for. She’s intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced. She’s made mistakes, but so have we all. Plus, she’s learned from them, which unfortunately cannot be said for Trump.
Brilliant. Clinton is so much better than she’s given credit for. She’s intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced. She’s made mistakes, but so have we all. Plus, she’s learned from them, which unfortunately cannot be said for Trump.
Keep seeing this “The gorilla was being kind!” reaction.. Are people just not seeing the part where he grabbed the child by the foot and dragged him through the water repeatedly?
What’s Bernie going to do when he can’t just respond with “Iraq?”
I wouldn’t say Sanders is a “pro” at debating. He’s been pretty lackluster in his debates against HRC, and merely repeats the same talking points. And his attempts to go negative have fallen flat. I would personally like to see Elizabeth Warren debating Donald Trump.
Yeah I mean when a woman earns the most votes it doesn’t count remember?
You know who’s getting the biggest kick out of this? Trump. We’ve got two bases engaged in a Marvel like Civil War and he’s just chilling and killing time until July. By the time the general comes the left is gong to be split so badly that there is a good chance Trump can win simply since there will not be any kind of…
I voted for him, begrudgingly. He wasn't going to win my state anyway and I was voting more on principle than for the candidate. I hate his fucking guts now, I wish I could take back my vote, and if he somehow by some weird Salem witch spell ended up with the nomination, you couldn't convince me that he wouldn't do…
Considering that he has exactly zero percent odds of winning the nomination, does anyone else feel that Bernie is actively trying to fuck over the Democrats at this point?
The person who is against feminism and thinks it’s important to sunbathe her vagina?
I’m sorry, death threats, threats of violence, and slurs from Hillary supporters? Where please?
Oh, you’re one of the “good” ones. Yeah, I’ll listen to you as much as I listen to one of those “I have gay friends” Christians.
Not when they start issuing death threats or stop thinking the rules that apply to everyone else don’t apply to them. Then, no.
it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals. But
He already lost me with this exact crap.
I’m acquantainces with a die-hard Bernie supporter and am friends with him on Facebook. He was recently quoted in a Huffington Post article because he has a Facebook group trying to encourage people to march on the Dem convention to probably this exact end.
The lack of organizing has been the death of the Sanders campaign. They put all their money into huge rallies, TV ads, and internet presence. They trained no one. His supporters do not understand the process, so they’re all ready to believe whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory or imaginary delegate math scenarios…
in short, 64 Sanders delegates at the convention were disqualified, according to the state party, either because they failed to show up, failed to register as Democrats by May 1, or because they didn’t respond to attempts to confirm their phone numbers or addresses.
Also, Clinton won the NV primary election. Nothing was being stolen from these people. Blame the Sanders ground game for not having its delegates be prepared and follow the rules.