

She can do whatever the fuck she wants.

jeeeeezus she is so fucking beautiful, I can’t deal with it.

She’s doing just fine with members of the Democratic party. She decided it wasn’t worth the expense and time to campaign in Indiana because it is an open primary state where independents can vote, and she was right. sanders won by a few percentage points only and netted just six more delegates than Clinton did. He’s

His brodude fans are hilarious though...on facebook it’s all about “Bernie’s victory”. I’m a progressive, but I’m sorry, I’m over him. His campaign has been run on grandiose emptiness, lies, and sexism and I’m through with the idol-worship that democratic campaigns have been so obsessed with over the last few

Are you saying that it’s okay with you for the person with less pledged delegates and less popular vote to be awarded the nomination in contravention of the will of the voters?

Jesus H KEERIST. Bernie is out. He has ZERO chance.

Stop trying to make Bernie happen. He’s not going to happen.

I can tell you based on the very persistent and annoying grassroots campaign running for Bernie here in Indiana—this is not surprising to me. I was actually surprised when it was predicted that Hillary would win. Those Bernie motherfuckers* texted me like every day and made me actually THINK about whether or not my

Ah, yes, those 6 extra delegates out of the 80 were really what he needed to win the campaign /sarc

Bernie has also proven on numerous occasions that you can outspend your opponent and still lose. Which was the case for him not long ago when he outspent Hillary and lost multiple times.

How is this either a “major upset” or at all “unexpected”? Clinton didn’t contest Indiana, didn’t spend a cent on ads or any time there while Bernie was pouring in millions, even in the past few days her surrogates clearly said they didn’t really expect to win it, polls or no.

Your fellow American latinos, muslims, women, lgbt community and poor people sarcastically thank you for your support of Trump.

There are really unflattering aspects of his character that have been coming out lately and they are disturbing.

This! If this is what they call “revolution”, it’s a pretty damn lazy one. The base of the democratic party consistently vote for Hillary. Bernie gets Millennials and white men. Millennials are completely unreliable voters, who never show up to the midterm elections. White men are not the democratic base. Demographics

For Christ’s sake, Bernie complains when he loses a proper primary, but is perfectly fine winning caucuses despite the fact they are much more discriminating towards voters than the normal primaries. He’s strategy so far to throw a temper tantrum and accuse of everyone of corruption and incompetence whenever things

I can almost sort of agree with Bernie supporters to the extent that the October deadline is a bit extreme, but at the same time, I’m sick of him characterizing every undemocratic aspect of the primaries that benefit Clinton as some sort of massive voter fraud, while touting and crowing about victories that also came

Tweets like Charline McCray’s make me tear up and my heart swell a million times larger. Can we pause all the fighting on the left for a moment to appreciate what a historic precipice we’re standing on? If we nominate Hillary, we become the first major party to ever nominate a woman for U.S. President. And if she win

If she was a man, she would have been President 20+ years ago. So yes.

I lost all respect for Ms. Sarandon when I saw video of her harassing Dolores Huerta. Support Bernie, fine. But don’t get in the face of and yell at a woman in her late 80's who has done more for the working poor than Susan, or Bernie will ever hope to in 10 lifetimes.