
YES, thank you. This is definitely special little snowflakes wanting to have their cake and eat it too. Either disavow parties and, depending on your state, your role in the primary process or fucking register as a Democrat for fuck’s sake. Either way, don’t offensively shout “OMG Voter Suppression!!!1!11!!!” like an

I’m so glad the NY primary is going to be over so I don’t have to hear idiots who feel like they shouldn’t have to follow the rules whine about “voter suppression”. No a closed primary that only allows party member to choose the candidate for that party is not suppression. You not bothering to look up the rules is not

We don’t. It isn’t going to happen. We’re not going to get an article about how weird it is for a candidate to leave the country right before a primary he really needs to win in order to visit the head of an institution as regressive as the Catholic Church. We’re certainly not going to get one about how his campaign

When she talks policy, I am a fangirl. I love smart people so much, it makes me woozy.

I think this speaks to one of the things people have said about her; that she’s absolutely fired up and a totally different person when she’s talking policy and substance, compared to campaigning. Politico had an interesting article on this from someone who’d reported on her both when she was Secretary of State and on

This is the Bernie Bro phenomenon in a nutshell: a good-enough idea (pointing out the superdelegate system is fundamentally undemocratic) runs into an obnoxious social media tactic, helmed by someone who seems like a bit of a dick.

I’ll never cease to be amazed by how quickly people forget that superdelegates jumped ship from Clinton to Obama in 2008 once it became clear that he was winning.

There’s no conspiracy. If Bernie were actually winning (or if he manages some major upsets in the next few big primaries) more superdelegates would join his

I would need this sized mug if I had the same scrutiny in my life as Hillary Clinton.

If that isn’t a show of strength I don’t know what is.

That Crime Bill that Bernie voted for?

They are excoriating him for it because he demonstrated that he lacked basic knowledge on a topic he talks about constantly. He isn’t wrong about how the system is fucked, but it is a problem that he has zero interest in figuring out how to fix it beyond giving speeches. I like the guy, but this is a serious flaw of

No, this interview really was a disaster, and now you’re trying to write off how bad it was. His only answer on trade was that he agrees with Trump! And you’re trying to bury it with the inconsequential crap about the subway? Sanders finally gets tested on his policy, fails spectacularly, and this is all you can

I think Trump and Sanders supporters are equally out of their minds. Neither of these men have any clue what they’re doing or have put forth a reasonable plan for anything. They’re both just touting idealistic (whatever their sides’ ideals are) garbage. I imagine an argument between a Trump supporter and Bernie

I’m just gonna say it: Sanders in an idiot.

Is it that much of an overstatement? It is one thing to not know specifics about every issue, but to not be able to coherently articulate an analysis and plan to deal with his main focus is concerning. That he talks about that issue 90% of the time makes his lack of comprehension even worse.

I assumed he was keeping

The man never expected to be this close. You can practically feel his panic in, “Oh SHIT, I actually have to explain how I’ll do it? I can’t just use my stump speech again?”

Bernie participated in a march, Clinton actively organized the desegregation of her college. That’s a difference right there. Quite fitting to what they stand for right now as well.

Nothing to go off of. I guess we just expect some apologies for when Hillary having mothers of gun shot victims campaign with her and was accused of pandering. Obv each of these people can support whatever candidate they want, but I remember Hillary being called a shrillary when she surrounded herself with black women