
Maybe relevant:

Ivanka is, by all accounts, a fairly lovely and grounded human being considering who her father was and the wealth with which she was raised. I’ve been embarressed by some of the sexist things my father has said over the years - usually followed by a “but not you, honey, you’re different”. Anyway, she’ll be fine but

So, Clinton put together a list of those who didn’t support her in 2008, and the thought among some was it was there to ruin them, but instead, it turns out it was actually to win them over.

Clinton is to the left of Obama. And she voted 93% of the time with Bernie. Honestly, they are nearly identical.

Um, he’s running as a democrat, you utter moron. If he doesn’t want to do that, why did he? Are you saying he “used” the democratic party and played them falsely to get out there more prominently? Because that would mean he’s a dishonest creep.

NO, it doesn’t. It is for the down-ticket races primarily. It’s part of a fund to help other candidates called the Hillary Victory Fund. She gets a very small portion, but the rest goes to down ticket candidates. This is not hard to find out about.

Straight from the website: “The first $2,700/$5,000 from an

Sanders really is showing to be a huge fucking asshole isn’t he? Typical white guy is what I say. Stomping his feet when he doesn’t get his way.

It should be noted that the fundraiser is for the Hillary Victory Fund, which does help Hillary’s campaign, but also donates to down-ticket races. This sort of funding is usually vital for smaller Democratic campaigns, who cannot acquire enough funding on their own to be competitive.

You do realize that this money is for down the ballot. She’s raising for the other candidates down ballot. How much has Bernie raised down ballot?

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

Didn’t you know? Bernie is, like, all cool and shit. So cool he couldn’t even bother to find one woman to hire to one of the top ten most highly-paid positions in his campaign. Worse than Marco Rubio, even. But we’re a feminist site, so of course we’ll just keep shitting all over Clinton for... well, reasons.

Weird. I actually thought this bit was awesome. What makes it cringeworthy is how true it is.

EXACTLY!! And everyone is going to scream about his voting record, but correctly and actually taking an active role in these issues are 2 very different things.

He says what everyone wants to hear without realistic plans to implement them. So when he actually has a chance to implement something progressive, like equal pay and positions for men and women, why would he expect supporters to pay attention to the details when he doesn’t need to?

(but I’m gray here, so it may wind up out of order by the time it’s ungrayed... C’mon, Jez likes me)

ten highest paid staffers on Bernie Sanders’ campaign, not a single one is a woman.

The results for Bernie illustrates my problem with him. He talks a great game but he doesn’t exactly inspire by his actions. Focusing on economic issues while overlooking systemic discrimination and unconscious biases is going to result in white males benefiting the greatest. I’m not comfortable with taking a backseat

Because he single handedly is going to end inequality? An old white(now very rich after all these donations) man is going to take care of woman’s issues? A man that failed at writing pornography about all woman fantasizing about being raped? And before I am jumped on about that, Hillary has had her whole life and

Or maybe these mothers (like the mothers of the dead children of Newtown, CT) are trying to change our sick world and know that working with lawmakers is a way to bring attention to their plight?

It’s hilarious to me that white liberal expect black people to vote for the white guy who has consistently ignored black activists in his state (which has one of the highest incarceration rates for POC). Calling them uneducated or voting against their own interests is infuriatingly patronizing but I see it over and