
That should be her winning the nomination dance, she is pretty damn close! YAAAS Hillary! Also, you just made me realize that Hillary is one of the few people in the world who can pretty much wear every color and make it look amazing. Is it a coincidence that she and Lupita are one of the few and I love them both? I


This makes me so happy. I’m a 25 year old woman in NYC and I love Hillary. I feel like I’m the only one. All my friends like Bernie and act like I’m really dumb and misinformed for liking Hillary. It’s rough, but not as rough as the Benghazi hearings.

But one had a complete message. The other repeated his acceptance speech in NH. He has like five talking points. No message.

Sanders opening statement was exactly the same as his acceptance speech from New Hampshire. Hillary kicked his ass tonight.

You’ve missed the point if you think anyone is saying you shouldn’t be concerned about the direction the country is going or that you should be passive. The point is to examine WHY you back a certain candidate for the less overt biases that are inherent in support. And look at who you think is best capable of

I watched this last night and was very disappointed in Bernie. He couldn’t answer a pretty basic question about the political feasibility of socialized healthcare. If you can’t answer this Q about your signature policy issue in a very friendly setting, how are you going to survive a general election debate, Bernie?

Bernie Sanders won a state that is 94% white and whose entire population is less than that of most major American cities? I’m so shocked!

Bernie Bros across the land are leaving the room to get some clean underwear after they spontaneously jizzed themselves over this news. this very infinitesimally small blip in a large pile of delegates he’ll need to win.

I think the problem I have with the “Bernie Bros” line of attack is that, although they do exist, they’ve been overstated significantly. A more substantial complaint I have is for a certain brand of Berner who simply can’t accept that their chosen politician is, notably, a politician. If you point out any

Bernie Sanders would get absolutely crushed by Marco Rubio, the likely GOP nominee, in a general election. You can not like Hillary, OK, but think of the long game here.

Oh for god’s sake, go ahead and support Bernie or whomever you want to, that’s your right, but lay off the Hillary is a racist who only supports white women mantra or only white women support Hillary nonsense. I’m not white and I’m supporting Hillary because I think she can win and I’m not buying the Bernie