You know, and not giving a fuck about state legislative races, and city council races, etc...but then coming in knowing fuck-all about how politics work and threatening to hijack the party because they are supposedly more important than anyone else.
Also thanks for abandoning Obama in 2010, when you didn’t get everything you wanted ASAP.
We need this. This strain of shit going through through a vein of the party now needs to be destroyed. You want to talk about real “economic anxiety?” Then start speaking to those it affects the absolute most. Anyone who uses the term “identity politics” as a slur ain’t a Democrat and they sure as hell ain’t a…
To me the most shocking part of this whole story is that Bob Dole is still alive.
So can we all just admit at this point that Assange is just Putin’s tool to wreck democracy?
I’m so sick of both Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders trying to be heroes after the fact. They, especially Bernie, helped cause this and now they’re trying to pass the blame and re-characterize their legacies. This isn’t anything but false hope and a fundraiser.
He went through their playbook, including calling her unfit for office. Calling someone a Bernie bro is nothing like the foul and ugly names his supporters called Hillary and her supporters.
I know I’m gonna get ripped apart for this and this is probably rooted in the fact that I’m just so emotionally and physically exhausted, but I’ll say it anyway: I’m kinda over Bernie Sanders and I don’t really want to hear about him for a long time.
Well, he can’t talk to people of color, but I guess there aren’t many of them where Sanders comes from in Vermont.
Yeah because the white working class in Midwood are exactly like the white working class in the Rust Belt. Two peas in a pod for sure.
Who really knows, his socialist leanings could have cost him just as many votes as his appeal to the working class. At the very least he would’ve gotten people fired up to actually get to the voting booths.
Look, I know it’s not his fault. I know he stumped for Clinton and told all of his immature, die-hard supporters to look past 2016 and try harder for elections in the future to get a bona fide economic progressive on the ticket. But I’m still just having a bit of a hard time even looking at him right now for his role…
If your fictitious woman had 3 husbands and 6 children by 3 men and cheated on all of them - like Trump, that woman would have been run out of the primaries on a rail.
I remember hearing, so often and endlessly, that Hillary Clinton was physically ugly. It still hits me with a slight shock to see an old photo of her, and realize her appearance was lied about as often as her actions.
Bernie Sanders owes the world an apology today. Not for running, which is anyone’s right, but for not stopping the irrational hate and conspiracy theories earlier on and for insisting on fighting to the convention even after it was clear he had lost. I hope he will never forgive himself for what he has done.
Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.
AND FUCK YOU to all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate, revved it up, warmed up that engine and then passed it right on to Trump.Fuck you for that. This means you “The Slot.” Your dumb ass is guilty as charged.
Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.