
The Flint airport was charging 7 dollars for a bag of gummi bears that is usually 1 at the store and 5 dollars for a bottle of water which is extra irritating since you can’t take water through security!!! Hands down the highest prices I’ve ever seen in any airport.

And so it begins..... uggghhhhhhh

His communist leanings during his younger years, his wife taking money from the defunct college, his kid doesn’t even talk to him, he is old etc. You know how Trump is. People in the midwest don’t like socialists. These are the reasons people voted for Trump, abortion, obamacare, and these past 8 years have been

There are too many people in my life who are affected by this, so I can’t let him off the hook. I know some ardent supporters of his who felt betrayed by him when he supported HRC and he didn’t speak to those voters. He obviously couldn’t get his ‘revolutionaries’ inspired enough to not vote for third party

Exactly, I’m from Michigan and he would have had the same results, if not had done worse once all the Bernie bashing from Trump finally started.

Why is no one calling him out? Why the hell did he only campaign twice for HRC? In NH no less. Could he not be bothered to go more than an hour away from his home? He has been hiding out writing his book and waiting for his ‘told you so’ moment. Not dropping out sooner and not being active at all in the general is

Wasn’t one of the women’s rugby players proposed to as well during this Olympics? (by her female partner) I guess it was after a game, though so that would have been more appropriate timing maybe. Personally, I would have been pissed too and she is probably a little bit pissed, but happy that she has her partner for

During elementary school, I peed my pants twice and threw up in class once because I was too afraid to ask to go to the bathroom.

I wonder if teens have fewer side effects from the IUD than older women or women who have already given birth. I had a copper IUD inserted 8 weeks after giving birth and keep it for about six months, but the bleeding was out of control, I couldn’t take it! It was such a bummer. I had it taken out and got the Mirena,

I wonder the same thing. She had to take a backseat to his career and now he doesn’t want to take a backseat to hers. I feel like she stuck with him after the scandal because she had to for appearances and for her to finally be able to focus on her political career. Especially since back then people were still not

My point is that he was never asked any ‘gotcha’ questions in this interview and has been handled with kid gloves pretty much the entire election cycle. This is a big part of his platform and doesn’t even anything he can say when asked about it in a laid back interview with a paper which has been quite kind to him?

Yeah, this late in the game I can’t believe that his team didn’t prepare him for this.

Bernie is also an opportunist, do you forgive him for the lax gun laws in Vermont? Supporting Castro? Bernie says he supports women right’s and is an ardent feminist yet out his key 13 staff members he has ONE woman working for him and only of his regular staff are women. Bernie was an independent who refused to run

At least she can answer questions about her policies and what she plans to do. He is like the kid running for student body promising all day recess and no homework.

Why is everyone flipping out about this this election cycle. It has been like this for ages and Obama only had 127 more delegates than HRC in 2008 and two of the primaries were being contested in court. This years election is nowhere near as close as that one.

What will Bernie do to the person who finally releases his taxes and we all see that he is invested in big business.

A hundred million times this!