This makes me sad because I feel so freaking old now :(((( I wanted to wear a dress like these so badly too and they look sooooo horrid right now.
This makes me sad because I feel so freaking old now :(((( I wanted to wear a dress like these so badly too and they look sooooo horrid right now.
What a sweet guy. Thanks, Chance you have restored my faith in humanity!
I kind of wish all the voting could be over now so we could focus on the general. It is getting a bit too ugly on both sides for me. All the candidates have had enough time to get their messages out, especiallly with the Internet, so why drag it out and make everyone pissed off at each other.
I always had that impression of her as well. I wonder what she really thinks about all of this.
I believe he has taken money from the DNC before too, so he has benefitted. Hopefully the system will change in the future, but until it does, to stay competitive the dems should have these fundraisers too. How much did Jeb raise before dropping out? At least these people are supporting the causes they believe him.…
That is my impression of him too. When you see him before the campaign started he seems like a real asshole. I’m talking about him as a person, not his political views. What I also found shady is this deal with the woman who had his first and only biological child. Sounds like someone not wanting to take…
Same happens with me. I work at a technical college in engineering and the two women on staff always do the grunt work while the men get the praise. It’s the most frustrating thing. You always think, oh maybe this semester will be different, but it’s always the same old same old. Any woman in a male-dominated anything…
I didn’t change my last name, and when I told my mom I wasn’t going to she said, What’s the point in getting married then?! lol She sends stuff to me in the mail with my husband’s last name, and I always joke with him, Who is this woman getting mail sent here?!!! I think she assumes that legally once you get married…
I chose not to change my name because I have known myself by this name my whole life and it felt like I would be this new person or something. I know, weird, but that was just how I felt. I felt like it would cause me more emotional distress to change it and didn’t feel like it would make me feel closer to my husband…
This is hilarious. I wish my baby were awake now so I could play this and see if he is into it.
I’ve been saying his for months how Sanders barely has any women on staff, so I’m glad this is finally coming out. I see this every day as a woman working in engineering. People always talk a big game but don’t back it up and you are the one who ends up getting screwed over all the time.
Because Sanders is such a great supporter of LGBT rights. This is a guy who lied about his support of gay marriage, implying that he supported gay marriage in 1996 when in fact until 2009 he said numerous times that he did NOT support gay marriage at all. In 96 he said he wouldn’t vote for DOMA because of the states…
If Sanders was on the show this article would be going on and on about what a funny old guy he is and how cool it is that Ilana and Abbi support him etc. etc. except we get this. Maybe they respect HRC because they are both women in a male-dominated industry they get all the shit that she has been through and how hard…
Because Sanders has been such a great guy for LGBT rights? This is a guy who lied about his support of gay marriage, implying that he supported gay marriage in 1996 when in fact until 2009 he said numerous times that he did NOT support gay marriage at all. In 96 he said he wouldn’t vote for DOMA because of the states…
I think right now it is mathematically impossible. I’m not sure if he will even tie at this point. HRC had the popular vote in 2008 but Obama had the electoral votes so she dropped out. Right now its kind of a waste what is going on, but I guess everyone will get a chance to vote.
All the shit HRC has had to put up with in this election is killing me. It seems like everything she says or did in the past is unfairly criticized while Bernie gets a free pass. If she had supported Castro can you imagine the vitriol we would be hearing right now? Maybe because as a new mom working in engineering it…
How does this make you feel, your boy Bernard lied about his support of gay marriage, implying that he supported gay marriage in 1996 when in fact until 2009 he said numerous times that he did NOT support gay marriage at all. In 96 he said he wouldn’t vote for DOMA because of the states right issue. Bernie is long on…
Sorry, so irritated by this forgot to mention it is your guy Bernard.
Ugh give her a break. This is a guy who lied about his support of gay marriage, implying that he supported gay marriage in 1996 when in fact until 2009 he said numerous times that he did NOT support gay marriage at all. In 96 he said he wouldn’t vote for DOMA because of the states right issue. This is a guy who…
What went wrong yesterday in the polling is that the primary in Michigan is an open one. The numbers they had are correct if you only count the democratic voters, but they didn’t count independents. Florida is a closed primary, so those numbers will probably stand, for example.