
As a working mom of a 9 month old I find it irritating as hell too. Any time I read a FB post about how someone is happily breastfeeding or going on about a breastfeeding room it does make me feel like shit that I wasn’t able to breastfeed. I did for a little under a month and my milk never came in because I didn’t

Remember 2000? Nader is the reason Gore lost and we got Bush instead.

This is a bummer. I’ve been buying winter coats from them for years and their customer service has been great, so I was happy to see this initiative, but really disappointed that they caved to the pressure. I am probably one of the few who buys their stuff regularly, so I kind of get it since they don’t want to go out

Leave Britney ALOOOONNNEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Also there is this, which if there were even speculation of Clinton doing something like this we would be hearing about it non stop: Here’s a guy who has always said that he divorced his first wife when in fact, he never even married her and THEN was a dead beat father who didn’t want to work a full time job to

I’m tired of hearing about this too. It was a few weeks ago, lets get over it and move on. There is this bit of info though that I found interesting on Sanders:Bernie says he supports women right’s and is an ardent feminist yet out his key 13 staff members he has ONE woman working for him and only one of his regular

If reproductive organs are taken out of the equation when comparing both candidates I would say that Clinton is more qualified imho.

This pic is giving me liiiifeeeee!!!!!

Rumors are Clinton is choosing Cory Booker for VP. That seems like a winning team to me.

Maybe she will go after him not having any foreign policy experience and supporting gun laws.

Here is video of her giving a speech on investing in women at sachs