One was on investing in women, the video is here…
One was on investing in women, the video is here…
Investing in women…
I hate that she has to be connected to Bill so much. I kind of feel like she had to stay with him and keep this stuff covered up because of politics and she had ambitions for her own career and then her husband is screwing interns etc. so she bit the bullet and stayed with him and maybe tried to cover stuff up. I know…
Unless you make about 20k a year and have a few kids you won’t really benefit from his policies. You will probably end up paying more for things like health insurance, so at least everyone will get it, but overall things won’t really change that much if you are the average American.
I think Maher didn’t really give her a chance to explain herself because he won’t stfu and thinks he is so funny. I’m sure there are probably some women with Bernie for that reason, but not the majority. I hope she goes on some other shows where she can actually get a word in.
I think it was a brilliant idea for Clinton to have the debate in Flint and shame on Sanders for not agreeing to it as soon as she brought it up. I know that the city isn’t your demographic, Bernie, but something like this is what the people living there really need at the moment. Flint is the forgotten city since all…
Ugh, I don’t know. How is Sanders not part of the establishment when he has pretty much been lifetime politician? I do think Clinton is treated unfairly because she is a woman. Sanders has been married three times and had a child out of wedlock (if I have my facts straight). If Clinton had done this we would be…