
Oh it’s not great at all - but seriously Chris body real-estate helps. And there’s actually a surprising number of marvel alumni that play some of the ex’s if I remember correctly (But let’s be honest, it *so* wasn’t my focus)

But you see, if there’s color, and if people aren’t just yelling and posturing, and if every muscle on the body isn’t clearly defined, if they’re ducking their responsibility to help people around them, then how do we know if they’re actually dealing with issues?

No, if you want to appreciate that body it’s the forgettable “What’s your Number”. 90% Chris exposure in that movie. It was the movie that finally helped me realize why guys are willing to sit through utter crap just because the chick is hot. This is the proof. I’m recommending a bad movie just for this

Evans. Period.

Yeah, I knew what they meant, but reading that I’m thinking “Anyone leaving two periods on their resume isn’t getting discriminated against because of age...”

Counterpoint. It was a largely smooth movie that had taken advantage of most of their characters having 1-3 movies to establish themselves, and used prime real estate to truly introduce a villain who could motivate all these characters to work together, fleshing him out to be one of the best MCU villans so far.

Accurate summary IMO. Everyone else was like “WOMEN WIN MOVIES” and I’m like, “But it’s still about finding motivation for a guy she falls for in about 30 seconds?” “And no clothes and wedge heels?” “And incredibly ambiguous powers that make no logical sense even in the scope of a comic book movie?”

100% agree. While it was a higher bar for feminism, the bar was so low, I refuse to use WW as the new meter for what’s feminist. Wedge heels. Seriously. And she’s still barely clothed - what is it that makes it OK for all of her male teammates to be in full body armor (even the bulletproof ones) while she’s just


Blood Omen was a great base to build a world from, but Soul Reaver was so much more than it’s first unfinished game.

My friend and I still turn to each other sometimes, stare, and dramatically say “Kain was deified...”

Wow I so want you to be right on this.

Gah this series was written and acted so well.... Definitely one of the best speeches in the series.

Game play was never Legacy of Kain’s strong point. I always tell people if they’re going to play through the series that they need to have a gamefaq up and ready to get them through the clunky mechanics. That being said, the story absolutely made it worth it, and that includes the way the story weaved through SR2 and

I got a Razielium clan tattoo on my wrist about 12 years ago now (no regrets!) and in the early days I was selective who I told that it was a game tattoo. Instead when people asked, I generally told them it meant I was the Master of My Own Destiny, which I felt was the takeaway from Raziel’s journey.

Agreed - technically we know exactly how the Janos issue resolves (assuming you’ve played through Blood Omen 2) so other than a buried Elder God, I wasn’t sure where they’d go.

Still what I consider to be one of the best written stories ever. Game, Movie, TV, doesn’t matter. They obviously took the time to craft a world and weave a cohesive story, including time travel.

Yeah, but we’re living in a world of “It should be obvious, and yet we’re still dealing with people who think the earth is flat.” I argue with the guys who will use this article as 1) proof they’re smart on all things because they could see it for what it was first thing and 2) therefore women are dumb about simple

Don’t let the author trick you - women know what it is. I can’t believe this is an article. But at least the comments are proving entertaining.

Gonna have to say, you missed the obvious sarcasm in his ‘call’ for thoughts and prayers.