
Pretty much. I’m not stopping my fight against Drumpf, and I’m not going to stop including people of all backgrounds, but I can see this toxic forced separation masquerading as ‘enlightenment’ doing more harm than good by driving people away rather than bringing them together. But please, we should keep pointing

Sure they can’t write us off as “angry black women” but they sure can write us off as ignorant fucking libtards and spend the entire conversation quoting talking points over any point I attempt to make in good faith. Magic powers we do not have. I’m not going to stop trying, but it’s not like there’s this shiny red

Agreed. Went home and immediately drew a bath. Worth it.

Honestly there’s more to it than toilet humor. It’s not a Dumb and Dumber kinda of movie. That being said, there is a lot of fart humor, and what uplifting message it was going for is well and thoroughly trounced by the end in my opinion. Not watching this again.

Honestly there’s more to it than toilet humor. It’s not a Dumb and Dumber kinda of movie. That being said, there is

I spent more than that on the ticket. Wouldn’t do it again. Even if the ending hadn’t put me off the whole movie, I don’t really see it as something you need to ever see again.

I spent more than that on the ticket. Wouldn’t do it again. Even if the ending hadn’t put me off the whole movie, I

Wow, absolutely 0% new insight. Either self-serving, short-mindedness, or just straight up ignorance. Nothing gained by this.

Okay, contest over. The Nice Guys is an option, and everyone should see this movie.

Okay, contest over. The Nice Guys is an option, and everyone should see this movie.

Counter, that movie was so bad, it’s one of the few I’ve ever turned off while watching.

Counter, that movie was so bad, it’s one of the few I’ve ever turned off while watching.

Wow. Don’t tell anyone new to the show that. You’re overselling it by a lot. I have plenty of friends still watching it, but not one is in a frenzy over it. Too much good TV for GoT to think they hold the title.

Terrible analogy. People who watch GoT are just masochists. I was watching it till season 5. Watched 3 of the first 4 eps back to back when I realized 1) the show was depressing as hell 2) I couldn’t give a shit about half the characters anymore (and the few I cared about were likely to die or turn into assholes

I can’t quit Project Runway. I don’t know why.

Exorcist was the show I was like “Why are they even bothering - how can this be a series it hardly filled a movie” and now all I can say is “How are more people not watching this? I can’t believe they get away with this on network TV!”

Thanks for the heads up - I’ve been getting back into comics and a lot of these titles were on my wishlist for later. Snapping them up today!

Thanks for the heads up - I’ve been getting back into comics and a lot of these titles were on my wishlist for

Might not be for this case, but in many cases logo design and ad design are two different beasts - at my job they might make requests to work up a logo, but we point out that it’s not our job to make their logo, just build their ad. So yeah, often they’ll try and get more out of you than they’re paying for, or expect

One time, I had a customer have me call a different company they used to print their business cards to get their logo from them. Seriously. I called the company, and they eventually gave it to me, but they were like “What the fuck?”

We have a client that straight up uses the Blackhawk logo as theirs. No one wants to call them on it. They eventually sent a business card with same image, just with some of the details erased and the color a little different, but still obviously the logo. I complained again this year, but what do I know, just the

Yeah....feminism surprisingly not destroyed. Amazingly we’re all multi-faceted people allowed to have opinions. But the existence of these opinions don’t necessarily represent the whole of the movement. A woman who doesn’t see something sexist as such doesn’t suddenly mean sexism doesn’t exist.

It finally occurred to me how much they were adjusting when our DM used the 4th edition DND screen. All the women had to have some solid cleavage showing while they guys were solidly covered. Why was this more weird than usual? Giant winter scene. I don’t know about most, but days like today where the high is 17

I wonder if that’s the case. Male rape victims have as hard a time, they’re just not as common. I wonder if the judge would have been like “You had sex, how is that rape? Isn’t that what guys are always going after?”Especially if the accused was a hot woman. The acceptance of rape in this society is disgusting.

I already picked up a Washington Post sub - looks like a NYT subscription is in my future. SUPPORT INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM - we need it now more than ever!