
Exactly my favorite part too.

I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one. William the Bloody, no problem. But completely blanked on Liam.

I watched the show in the original run, rewatched most of it, triple watched half the eps, was a pretty good fan, but it’s been long enough I did about as well as she did. How about we not pretend that she’s terrible for not knowing random trivia only the internet-obsessed fans know this many years past the show’s

Not straight up powered superheroes. But seriously, if you took Bruce Wayne and split him into the brilliant millionaire and the deductive fighting machine, that describes who Finch and Reese are respectively.  

Thanks for writing this. So many people didn’t know about this show and I’ve been happy to watch them get into it and learn how great a show it really was. Still upset that CBS didn’t appreciate what they had.

If you’re a troll - well done. If you’re not a troll, when you figure out where your statement went wrong you’ll see why you’re part of the problem.

Obvious troll is obvious. Stop feeding it.

No complaints here.

Once you start deciding Blizzard doesn’t mean what they say, then there’s no point in the discussion. You know better than the creator. Good to know. I’ll be sure they check with you next time they release a statement that contradicts with how you ‘know’ it really is. I’m just done. Take some time, mature a bit, and

Also, I’m glad you could name one example of how guys are objectified like women. Totally makes the playing field even. How about when 80% of guys are portrayed that way and treated like it’s absolutely normal, we come back and discuss how much guys aren’t bothered by it.

You’re wrong. It’s about the small changes. Honestly, people can’t win on this subject - women want to make broad sweeping changes, and people lose their frigging minds. Can’t do that! Why are you stemming creators choices? Why do I have to play games that cater to you? (Nevermind women, minorities and LGTBQ

I cut right to the subtext and pointed out the jist of your post. If you don’t like it, don’t paint it up with flowers and pretend it’s something it’s not. Either this is a big deal or it’s not, and if it’s not, they who cares if they change one pose. Stop creating a ‘slippery slope’ arguement that isn’t there. Talk

Another example of what it would be like if you dressed guys as impractically as comics and games dressed women:

This comic illustrates the “Power vs. Fantasy” issue great IMO

I’ll try to explain this, but I’m guessing you’re just not getting it. The point is women are constantly put in unrealistic positions and drawn anatomically incorrect (I’m not talking huge breasts, I’m talking impossible spines and improbably rib cage positions), not even to mention the completely impractical clothing

I’ve never seen someone so aware of what the Hawkeye initiative was and *not* get the point of it. I mean, wow.

Because you read fics by some people doesn’t mean they’re blanket sexual objects for women. They’re just not. If they were truly ‘sexy’ - more guys would complain. If guys had to watch male characters that wibble and wobble and wear as little clothing as women as their only character choices, we’d hear about it a lot.

Perfect example of not understand the difference between a power fantasy vs. an object fantasy.

For those who found it TL;DR - all outrage is stupid unless it’s my outrage, and then it’s absolutely legit. People need to stop having opinions and reactions that aren’t like mine so I can enjoy all the crap the way I always have.