“Judge Wants At Least 37 Non-Political Pieces of Flair Per Attorney, 11 of Which Must Support the Iggles”
“Judge Wants At Least 37 Non-Political Pieces of Flair Per Attorney, 11 of Which Must Support the Iggles”
This thoughtful exchange in a comments section actually touched me deeply tonight. I’m a little emotional, I think, but thank you both.
Heart of Darkness: needs more white ladies 2/10 would not read again
I’m writing you in for president. Rom Romberts/Cthulu 2016.
The lady version of this essay has cream cheese and genitals, too, but adds a lot more body shame.
I feel like this whole article was merely posted to bait Rom Romberts into posting something.
No. It’s a shitty thing to say. Some people can’t even help it, sometimes it’s just genetics.
Am I deluding myself into thinking 30 is NBD? Everyone makes a big deal of it but I don’t see it. I’ve got 6 months to go. I like almost 30 me. I’m happier, healthier, and more at peace with my life than I have ever been before. Also I’m excited for my uterus to be so dusty and full of cobwebs that people stop asking…
Rosenberg’s excuse for the lapse:
Oh, I'm with you. I Google/ PubMed EVERYTHING and if I'm ever suspected of a crime I can only hope it's not one I've idly researched in the preceding few months.
Not something I’m putting into my google search history.
Just popped in to give a general plug to her charity, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. It’s a fabulous organization, dedicated to giving books to any child that wants them.
That’s why I pack all kinds of random shit under there, I tell everyone that it’s because I’m a slob, but really it’s so nobody can fit in there.
As a child, I never dared to look under my bed because I was afraid I would see someone stare back into my eyes. As an adult, I still don’t dare.
The guy on the left is Calvin Harris, erstwhile DJ best known for dating Taylor Swift and, sometimes, for making music.
Every time I see the name YouTube Red, I think it is a porn website, so when I first read this, I was like, what??? Now that I’ve regained sense, I will totally watch this.
I have every sympathy for these teachers. Little Hudson is a fucking idiot.