
It’s a horrible situation, and it’s impossible to explain it to an outsider who’s reading this and thinking “why didn’t she say something?why didn’t she just get up and move?”

Road to Avonlea was half-funded by Disney, and the moneymen came down hard on Polley to try and mold her into one of their Standardized Disney Starlets (tm). Whereupon Polley told them to fuck right on off, weaseled her way out of her contract, and made a beeline for independent film.

This is AWESOME! Obviously, Atwood is incredible. And Sarah Polley has been killing it since she was just a little fresh-faced sunflower.

I know: I LOVE NURSES. My sister is a nurse and she is fucking awesome.

My husband was like “Well I mean ... it’s ok, but I don’t like hip-hop.” Then I made him listen to the WHOLE thing. He cried.

1.) Devon Sawa is hilarious

Perfectly formatting your signature to fit your personality is hands down the best way to waste time while taking notes in high school.

and lariat necklace? Or combs?

This has zero things to do with breakups or Taylor Swift, but I need to whine about this somewhere..... I had a plan to bake bread tonight. Everything was going great. Shopped for the ingredients, got home, got the kitchen ready, made the dough, left it to the first rising. An hour later I realized I never put it

Pffft this just sounds like a movie about a watered down Pam Poovey.

Andy gets it!

YES, I did when he was young, but I never ignored a “family” restroom to do it. I think it’s different taking a 5 year old girl in men restroom with urinals. Why the fuck does she need to see some other guys dick??

Yeah, I’m just saying i don’t think i’d be able to control myself, not that there’s a right or wrong way to respond to a situation like this.

I’m with the author - I would have wanted to tell the guy he’d been seen, watch him deny it, then say okay, prove it’s not true, drink it all yourself right now. And yes I realize that’s not the right way to handle it, it’s just what I would have WANTED to do.

I wish there were some way to prevent men doing this, but until that happens, if you have to get up from the table and go to the bathroom or something, get up and give your drink to the bartender. It might be inconvenient, but it also might save you from something truly horrific.

I love when women watch out for other women

Why would she stop? She had that look before she and Gavin were dating. Even if she doesn't so much like the look anymore it is basically part of her brand now.

i also really respect - as a fellow ex-mormon - that she doesn’t shy away from saying that the church fucked her up. i like that she calls out specific behaviors and dialogues and people who told her the wrong things. i’m impressed she does it with as much gentleness and dignity as she does.

“Dude, let’s have some grass!”