
That’s what I’d be like. Oh hello, it is me, YOUR FOREVER DAUGHTER-IN-LAW. I am 90% composed of spite and pettiness though.

This ad is under the article about the Depp-Heard divorce (on my end anyway), and I find it extremely appropriate.

If I hated my ancient mother in law as much as I imagine Amber does, there’s no way in hell I’d give her the satisfaction of witnessing the divorce. Amber Heard might be infinitely less spiteful than I am though.

Pretty sure she almost died tbh.

Nope. Different brands calculate it differently. There is no One True Bra Size.

Yeah. As a hospital nurse, I can say that the way care is segmented and fractured is difficult. It’s hard to operate in two modes at once, and there is definitely a line between a sort of recuperative model where we’re going to get you back on your feet and out in the world and a palliative model where we’re just

no shame

That hospice is where my father spent his last few days. What a wonderful place, staffed with caring and very knowledgable staff who know how to best care for the dying and their families. The contrast from his previous weeks in the hospital, even in basic medical care and medication, could not be greater, and the

God that was bitter sweet. I'm tearing up. Poor girl and great of Florence to do this. The girl has an amazing pitch as well. Doing second voice like that is not an easy task. Hopefully she recovers from whatever her ailment is, I am afraid to look for the info because she looks seriously ill.

I love that this story is on Jez. I was performing on stage with her on Sunday. I didn’t know her personally, but by all reports she was an awesome woman and will be dearly missed.

I’m one of those but I’m not famous :( I work at a desk, in an office... and do work FOR famous people. Sigh.

I actually read Holly’s book and I thought it was pretty good. Her criticisms seem fair and there is nothing really salacious in it. It’s more of an account of the very un-glamorous parts of living in the mansion (old 70s carpet that smells like dog pee, for example).

I don’t have children, but based on my own experiences 1. women who have children must only ever be joyful and doting over their baby or they’re a bad mother, 2. women are expected to have a child at some point and anyone is allowed to comment on that fact without stopping to think that the woman may be having trouble

Hello all,

Now I have the image of Hugh Hefner’s boner and I want to sew my vagina (and apparently butthole and mouth) shut.