Oh, come on now, they can BE gay, they just can’t ever have a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex, it’s not discriminatory! (hashtage MAJOR sarcasm)
Oh, come on now, they can BE gay, they just can’t ever have a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex, it’s not discriminatory! (hashtage MAJOR sarcasm)
Ohhh the idea that Mormon men are safe. The ratio of my dating non-members to members is like 3:1, and it was a Mormon bf who sexually assaulted me, while every non-member I ever dated was MUCH more respectful of my boundaries and listened to denied consent. EVERY Mormon guy I ever dated pushed me and pushed me,…
All the eye rolls to this sentence, “In their attempts to make themselves feel better about not wanting to hack it here...”
I started watching that Moonlight Magic one, or whatever it was called with Emma Stone and Colin Firth. I didn’t realize it was a Woody Allen film until I started being annoyed by Emma being the love interest to Colin and I looked up the movie and saw that it was from him.
Ahhhh, I should have expected that the show didn’t hold up and was actually problematic.
She doesn’t like talking about Avonlea?? I loved that show, my dad would watch it with me on Sunday nights!!
No wonder I didn’t graduate with that honor ;P
She is still a member of the church, I believe. She was married in the temple a few years ago. On r/exmormon, there’s speculation about the status of her testimony and if she’ll leave the church.
I had my live-in bf of 4 years break up with me two weeks before finals in my last semester of college! (I went back to school at 24.) I had been on track to graduate suma cum laude, but kinda spun out on all those finals and ended up just cum laude. Fucking asshole.
Growing up my parents had a big safe full of guns, my dad was a hunter. I was a snoopy little child, and I spent hours in my parents’ closet going through various boxes and bags of old shit. One time I found a piece of paper with the combo to the safe written down.
The playboy mansion has old carpets??? Ugh, now I’m imagining it decaying into a Grey Gardens type thing, but still filled with bunnies and weird sex stuff.....
Well thank goodness this gal was able to be one of the first to have a cutesy, quirky wedding with things like disposable cameras before they went out of style, according to her.
I’m just going to say it. I hate these kids (except for the boy playing Peggy). The other two just SCREAM insanely obnoxious theater kids, I should know, I was one.
I’m getting married in June and I always fought against the idea of changing my name, I didn’t want to become property or just do what everyone else does because that’s what you are supposed to do.
No it does not. This is just my opinion. Maybe he wanted to kill her and thought doing acid would give him a chance to plead temporary insanity or something, because as many others have said, homicidal rage is not a typical outcome of an acid trip.
Right? I immediately assumed he’d planned to kill her and decided to use the LSD as an excuse.
Don’t worry, he’s got celebrity staying power in the Mormon world, so his ego will continue to be fed.
When I was getting off the freeway last week, a woman had somehow made it halfway up the exit ramp going the wrong way. She was stopped and clearly distressed about the situation, and there were 3 cars in the lanes stopped heading her direction.
No one was doing anything! So I pulled off to the side, jumped out of the…
I lost 10 lbs in two weeks due to a problem with my meds which basically gave me a mental breakdown, and left me unable to eat or drink anything for those two weeks.
Also, I can just imagine the song LMM would have written about A[dot]Ham’s whirlwind abortion!