
To paraphrase the Holocaust “survivor” Eli Weisel, author of the iconic memoir “Night,” in his response to a woman who expressed her guilt at feeling sad and depressed over trivial things, as her suffering could never match Weisel’s, he essentially told her this...”we all have our own pain, which fills us to the brim.

Anna, get this kid to do a Jez post!

“9 year old girls should be playing with dolls, not trying to be reporters”

I’m guessing Trump’s campaign manager told him it would be a bad move to switch campaign managers.

I don’t think at this age they understand how permanent death is. They probably think you go to heaven and ride unicorns and eat candy all day. Also: I’m never having kids.

Today is my second day with a menstrual cup and it is taking everything I have not to tell every woman of menstruating age I see the gospel. I have become what I despise.

I once bought a menstruating friend of mine a baked good. And I’ve been known to make sure to tastefully give my GF a massage if she’s dealing with cramps.

I've had three hairy babies (pictured above), but that's some next level stuff.

I’ve seen and really don’t get this argument. My last name has been my last name from birth. Just like it was my father’s last name from birth. Is it more “his” last name than mine because he’s a man? Or because he’s older? It’s not “my father’s name”—it’s a whole bunch of “Keyser’s” (men and women) names. Including

This is a great point and going through the work to feel closer does actually appeal to me. And so does the idea of being the “LastNames” as a family. Which is part of why this choice seems so difficult.

The Mrs (using this loosely, folks) and I are planning to combine our two last names into one name when we get married.

Grover and Satterthwaite will become Groverthwaite.

My wife asked me if I wanted her to take my last name. I said I did — and she didn’t put up a fight. But if you asked me why I did, I wouldn’t have a good answer. Probably, “Well, because that’s what most people do, I guess.” I didn’t give it much thought.

No, they haven’t. She’s been with them four years, and they were told at the outset (and repeatedly thereafter) that she was not adoptable and that family reunification was the goal of her case. As responsible fosters they should have put her interests before their own by trying to facilitate that reunification in a

Her family members that she is being placed with are not relative strangers. She considers them family. They visited her (on their own dime, from Utah) once a month, and Skype with her every week. That foster family purposefully and selfishly created a traumatic situation where they could have been following the law

I thought this sequence was fucking hilarious. It was a bit weird though, because no one else in the cinema was even chuckling. It’s like I’m the only person who’s seen ‘Anchors Aweigh’ numerous times.

me recruiting u for isis

While I’m sure the wife and mother loved them both and had no part in planning their killings, I do suspect her of involvement with criminal elements that led to these executions. Mexico is a weird place to be “recovering from surgery” when you could do it in the States.

... 10 minutes later: