
IMO, it’s as big as it needs to be, since some folks still haven’t gotten the message.

I’m a 2nd semester med student and it was real blow to all of us during our respiratory course when we learned that there are no studies that have been able to significantly associate any one type of diet or food behaviors to the prevention of cancers of any kind. It was a hard day that day.

Meanwhile this is how I live my life. Maca cacao motherfucker!!!

It might not make you live longer, but eating this way will probably make your life *seem* a lot longer...

Yeah, I got Italian mobster from back the 1920s.

Unbeknownst to me (because I gave zero fucks; my travelmate ended up relaying this to me later), on a recent flight I was on, apparently, some guy got pissy when I put my carry on in the overhead bin in the “space for his jacket”.

Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.

ALL of these rules, but especially this:

Yeah, strikes me as a pretty excellent way to spend any decade of your life.

which is a terrible way to live when you are in your 40s

How about he gets a disease where the only cure is a medicine that costs just a dollar more than he has - and the price increases as he gets more money, so it’s always just out of reach.

I’m not a reporter at all but I have to say that I love it when I’m EXACTLY the bitch that idiot politicians thought I was going to be ha ha.

Yeah ladies, don’t be a bitch and ask boys about their questionable government spending, be a cool girl and let it slide.

Those Kit Kat minis things have great wafer to chocolate ratio. Highly recommend.

Who the hell wants to come in first in Iowa? Losers, that’s who. I’ll tell you the state to win and that’s New Hampshire!

Right? Rizzo needs to be tough and super sassy, and I wasn’t getting that from Vanessa Hudgens (though major props to the girl for showing up at all and giving it her best shot considering what she’s going through). Keke has the energy and wit to really do Rizzo justice. Marty to me always seemed more delicate and

I would pay all the money for this. I’m in a new city, and while I have good friends in the area, they’re about an hour away. I moved from where I had LOTS of friends and support to basically none in a place where it’s customary for me to get weird looks when I say hello to strangers, even if they’re the parents of

It is a cat, so it is definitely the Gone Girl thing.