
This is exactly why I don’t plan on doing the walk down the aisle thing at my wedding. It would just be too stressful for me, and I don’t love the idea of having to pop like 2 klonopin just to make it through my own wedding without having a panic attack!

I love how the camera operator totally wants to follow the baby when she climbs off his lap and goes exploring. But then is like, well I guess I better keep the basketball player in the shot and zooms out.

Where is Robin Sparkles?!???

At first I laughed, but now I’m sad for her.

I haven’t found any shameful relatives yet, but we do have family in France that are circus performers! One branch of the family have been performing in circuses in Europe for like 100 years or so and continues on today!

Aahhh, ok! The link in your comment didn't show up earlier!

And OMG, I didn't read all the comments so I don't know the whole story, but who on earth stabs someone at a wedding?!??!!

Wait, I'm confused...are you saying that I copied my story from Reddit? I'm trying to remember if I told this story on there too...but I don't think I did.

I actually ended up being a last minute bridesmaid in a friend's wedding because although she started speaking to one sister with whom she hadn't spoken in 5 years, that was followed up with the other sister who was supposed to be her maid of honor deciding to stop speaking to her a few weeks before the wedding.

That helps a bit (but not really because that sucks for her...) but I try to make myself feel better about it by remembering that I try to be conscious as a white person to not say dumb offensive shit to people of color, and I succeed way more often than I fail.

Hahaha, yes I suffer from the same syndrome! And she's still friendly and nice to me at work, so she obviously wasn't offended enough to put me on a permanent stink-face list or anything.

Hahaha, it's not weird to notice appearance changes with work acquaintances, right? Like I notice new haircuts and stuff. Now I'm paranoid that all my coworkers thing I'm super weird if I comment on that kind of stuff...

Ok, I said a maybe dumb thing to a biracial woman I work with months ago, and it's been bothering me ever since. She has fairly light brown skin, and when I saw her at a meeting after having not seen her for a week or so, she looked like she was way more tan.

That is still literally the only reason I want to go on cruise.

My partner threw his wedding ring into the woods after his divorce. Seemed fitting!

I was the only sober person on a 3-houseboat trip of fraternity/sorority members at Lake Powell. Literally the only sober person.

One day we are having a water balloon fight, one boat versus another. With a water balloon in each hand, I start to climb up the ladder to the roof patio. Two people are aiming for me, so

That sounds like something that would have happened if Andy had been allowed to join the Finer Things Club on The Office.

In one of the DVD commentaries, I believe it was Marta Kaufmann who said that Lisa Kudrow actually wore wigs throughout most of the series, because she always wore her hair short and that didn't work for Phoebe's character.

*Whoops, replied to the wrong comment!!

My sister sat like this when we were kids, and I realized the last time I saw her 12-yr-old son that he sits the same way now! I don't know if maybe she still sits that way sometimes and he picked up on it, or if it's a weird genetic thing! Who knows?!

I wonder how many of these men would identify as bisexual if given the option? Obviously there are (unfortunately) many gay men in the Mormon church who have married women. However, I would be interested to learn how many men in the church married to women self-identify as bisexual. There's not really and either/or