
My friend's older sister had a friend coming over to play when they were kids. The house was at the top of a blind hill and when the little girl ran across the street to come to the house, a car hit her and she died instantly.

For the next ten years, they kept encountering things that made them believe the little

Her eye twitches when Angela is totally freaking out were amazing.

I worked at a Bath and Body Works for a time, and we constantly had confused men in the store who were instructed by wives or daughters to get something from that "bath store," and refused to believe that we didn't carry comforters or ionizing hair brushes or whatever, because they were at the BATH STORE! Luckily Bed

I was a maitre d' at a restaurant and I actually did get fired because a customer was mad. A very pregnant woman wanted a new table, so I told the hostess to move her to a new table. Somehow this made the woman very mad, I still have no idea how I was the one the blame fell on for whatever happened with this woman.


I had my first "real" boyfriend, Mike, when I was a junior in high school. We shared the last class of the day, but he would walk me to my other classes and then kiss me and slobber all over my face before walking away. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to enjoy that or not.

In my 3rd period class I was a teacher's aide

Obviously because they wouldn't want lesbians to perform oral sex on them, that would mean the pledge would enjoy it! They only want to humiliate and dominate the pledges, not give them sexual satisfaction! (Because I'm so sure a gay pledge would enjoy being forced to perform oral sex on someone. /s)

I guess if you have a $22 million dollar home, you probably have a maid to stand there and hold your wine glass while you luxuriate in the tub, and handsome man to hold your head comfortably in his hands and give you a scalp/neck massage during the bath. (I may have just come up with a new life goal...)

It sounds like a fake name Barney from How I Met Your Mother would use in one of his plays.

That's a very brave thing to do. My entire immediate family is still active. My father was recently a branch president. Deciding to leave the church was not a light decision. Living something that is not truthful to you is not worth "keeping the peace" with family, as I (and I suspect you) did for a long time.

I would imagine every girl who has the guts to actually admit to masturbation gets that reaction from a bishop. Seriously, whose idea was it to tell young women they had to talk about their sexuality with gross old men who couldn't deal with it or Jesus wouldn't love them as much??

I left.

Oh man, I had a bishop who was disgusted by female sexuality, he was probably at least 65 years old. 12 or 13-year-old me was trying to be "good" and decided to repent about masturbation.

This is a seductive look now? She looks like she's in a trance or is trying really hard to remember how to whistle. Is the hint of duckface supposed to pass for seductive now? (Not hating on her looks, she's obviously gorgeous, but seriously, this is not a seductive photo.)

ha, yeah, and the child that was born from the affair is now like 17 and starting to ask questions and figure out that something odd was going on, and she's closest to my SIL out of her vast array of half siblings so my SIL is the one having to answer all the questions. "Yeah, your dad was best friends with my dad,

Mormons are under no obligation to shun excommunicated members either. I'm sure it happens, and probably more frequently in places in Utah, but I have personal experience that shunning does not happen in every instance of excommunication. For some people, they feel an even stronger desire to fellowship their brother

I'm sure that in some cases people choose to not associate with a friend who family member who was excommunicated, however that is NOT a rule of the church, even an unspoken one.

My SIL's mother and stepfather were excommunicated in the 90s, due to having an affair while each was married to someone else. Her

I recently had an ultrasound to locate my migrating IUD and I was SO NERVOUS that when they did they ultrasound they were gonna be like, Oh! Surprise! There is actually a fetus in there! Luckily, that was not the case. Although they did find a surprise cyst :/

We had to put our beloved 14 yr old cat down this morning, and I actually was almost hoping that some douchebag would tell me to smile today, because I obviously was not happy, while I was out, just so I could go off on a rage at someone to channel my grief through something other than tears. Alas, I didn't not

She actually requested to have her records transferred since she moved to Provo, but her stake president in Virginia refused to transfer them. They waited until after she moved to serve her formal notice of the hearing, which was completely cowardly on the church's part. And I wouldn't be surprised if the direction to

We've never actually gotten engaged. We just started planning the wedding. I was talking about the venue we picked and someone at work said, wait did you get engaged?? And I said, meh, no, but we are planning a wedding.