
Actually, 23 for a man to be single isn't too bad. Men aren't considered to have "something wrong" with them unless they are still single at like 28.


Dress regularly and people will think you are dressing real slutty here.

The problem is that it's Utah, and for Mormon dress standards tank tops are not acceptably "modest" for young women to wear. And as great as Salt Lake City is in a lot of respects, shit like this still happens ALL THE TIME. And it almost always is something that harms young women. That, or ridiculous alcohol laws,

Telling someone you are not interested in them and wishing them luck is fishing for insults and threats? The people insulting and threatening believed they were being politely turned down by a real woman, and their response was insults and threats.

I had a cat named Gus because of my love of Cinderella (see avatar). I would address him formally as "Duhhh GusGus."

I was really hoping this was going to be My Fair Lady turned on it's head with the woman as the Henry Higgins character. Maybe someday someone amazing will this happen!

Is there someone employed at gossip sites to monitor the status of which celebrities are following and unfollowing each other on social media? How does anyone notice this?

Baby stuff!! This is my friend's little girl (who is now 2 1/2!) in the watermelon hat and booties I made for her.

My local NPR station reported on this this morning, and being in Salt Lake City, they mentioned she was from Roy, Utah. It's a pretty small town, and for some reason it made this whole situation even more sad to me. She really had the kind of storybook "girl from a small town leaves home and makes it big, her name in

When I moved into my own apartment (no roommates) my junior year of college, my dad accused me of planning to "set up housekeeping for [boyfriend at the time]."

I got a prank call at work last week, and some kid barely got through saying "Did your cow run out of milk?" without giggling.

I wonder what Suri's Burn Book has to say about this. Though it's obvious now, I never thoughtfully made the connection between nasty paparazzi tactics and the delightful snarky commentary of those posts containing said paparazzi photos.

I just laughed so hard at your comment that my dog woke up!

As Phoebe Boufay put it, "Ah yes, remember the days when you used to go to the barn, take off your shirt, and bend over?"

I totally agree, however, Britney has NEVER really been known to do all her high impact dancing AND sing live. This is a double standard, because I love Brit-Brit, and I feel like our expectations of her should be reconciled to what she's been doing for the last 15 years. Putting on a good show, while not singing

I also hate zoos. I think they are terrible and should be shut down. However, I do think that showing the feeding is definitely education.

Are the numbers of a particular breed in zoos counted into the number of that breed when they are endangered?

I actually read most of the legal document linked to, and wow, is it ridiculous!

OMG!!!! How have I not known about this until now?? I am definitely going to be spending the rest of my day reading this blog! Thank you!