I bought a pair of the Wunder Under capris in March and I've worn them for everything from hiking and camping, dog-walking, to playing disc golf, to sitting around my house eating Oreos.
I bought a pair of the Wunder Under capris in March and I've worn them for everything from hiking and camping, dog-walking, to playing disc golf, to sitting around my house eating Oreos.
That is exactly what I was thinking!! And I think the Isabella trend follows the publication of Twilight, sadly enough.
I worked at a restaurant in college, and when I went to the bathroom during one shift, there was a pregnancy test in one of the stalls. When I was back on the floor telling someone about it, my manager overheard and went white as a sheet and asked what I was talking about. Apparently he somehow thought I said that…
I don't know, I'm not sure I'd want to leave my dog in the care of a group of people I don't know, especially musicians who are getting ready to perform a show. Pet care probably isn't the top of their list. And I can't imagine she'd want the owner of the dog hanging out in her dressing room with her. Especially if…
Looks like I can access the videos in the states!! Woo hoo, thanks!! Now I just have to try and figure out when it will actually be airing, as I don't speak Norwegian....
I made the mistake last winter of drunk knitting on a cable knit sweater...
The only good thing to come out of that, was that I became really good at just tearing back a set of stitches in the middle of a row, and re-doing all the cabling. I now have no fear of mid-row mistakes that go unseen for 10+ rows! I can tear…
Umm...will this be live-streaming anywhere? Because I absolutely want to watch this. Gather up some of my knitting buddies, have some wine, and enjoy hours of knitting TV, while getting sloshed and knitting something I'll only have to tear back the next day when I remember what a bad idea it is to knit while drunk.
Those were the WORST HP puns ever in that Perez article. Alohamora opens up doors, not a good pun for someone talking honestly. Ddoes Perez not remember veritaserum?? The truth-telling potion? Jeez....yet another reason to keep not reading that website.
I am so sorry that happened to you. I actually was also raised in the church, and a lot of stuff in that Miracle of Forgiveness book is mind boggling. Your leaders were just horrific and I'm so sorry you had to deal with such terrible people.
I think someone tried to tell Elizabeth Smart that she was unclean, or…
A Mormon dude I dated tried to tell me that if someone was attempting to rape a woman, she should just give up and not fight, because at least she probably wouldn't be killed. He also said if he had a gay kid he probably wouldn't love it as much as a non-gay kid. And that's not even to mention the body-shaming I…
I think it's a somewhat new thing for TV shows to feature top designers and super expensive stuff. Like, did the Scooby gang on Buffy wear super expensive designer clothes? I don't think they did, but I could be wrong. And like, what about the original 90210 cast? Without the internet around, it didn't seem like…
I am not a fashion person by any means, but really, a lot of that stuff that costs $200-$500, I feel like I've seen similar styles at Target and Macy's for less than $100. Yeah, I know quality of materials, etc, but isn't most of this stuff (from Target to Bergdorfs) produced at all the same factories in like,…
Well, it's not like Warbucks was really any less of a cheesy pun than Benjamin Stacks. As an adult, I've always assumed they called him Warbucks as a pun on him being a war profiteer or something, and that's how he's so rich. I guess they could have gone with like...Mr. Walmart as an equivalent of offensive rich…
UGH JIMMY! He was the worst! So many people on that show were the worst! (Although I'd probably still watch another season if it hadn't been canceled. I'm a glutton for terrible TV shows.)
Yeah, the show itself just had a lot of problems in general. Her acting abilities were just one in a long list!
She is ridiculously pretty, it's just unfortunate that she has all the acting ability of plate of nachos. I had such high hopes for Smash.
Yeah, only people who aren't dog people (aka lame people) don't know that kissing a dog's snout is the best ever. I give my dog kisses all the time.