
I bought this for myself. I love it.  Also bought one that says “May Contain Alcohol.”  Makes me giggle every time.

Your marriage sounds awesome!  Where do I find a guy like that?

Can you drive around and look at Christmas lights somewhere in a neighborhood that has a lot?  It’s a low effort, high spirit thing to do.

The problem though is that conservative assholes look at the news and say “those stupid libruls’ll get upset about everything, can’t even have Christmas now.”  It floods the outrage machine with stupid shit and minimizes the bigger issue at hand.

Not really. It didn’t break which in a way, was good, but also anger inducing.

Now playing

What I find interesting is that we’ve been having discussions about these problematic classics for years. But somehow NOW it’s becoming news?

I’ve been trying to play games on my old iPad and it’s been randomly shutting down for weeks. I just punched it 5 times and threw it on the floor hoping it would smash in a million pieces.  It did not. In unrelated news, I might have anger issues.

Oh, sure THEY can be removed from the ministry.  Shouldn’t they just be moved to a different parish so they can steal money there too?  

Because the point, for Sheldon, isn’t the paper, it’s the theory. 

You can’t really compare the reach of a once a week show on TBS and the every night audience of CBS and all the other non-cable networks. There are tons of people whose only access to late night commentary is the exclusively white men on network TV.

That is probably my favorite moment of the whole show.  Although a close 2nd is the next episode when Jason figures it out and Michael is like “oh come on!”

I was at the theater recently (not the movie theater, live theater, and not a rollicking musical but a very serious production of “To Kill A Mockingbird”) and the girl next to me tried to open a very loud chocolate bar. I just looked at her and said “Seriously?”  She put it away.

I’m from Minnesota, honey, that is almost impossible here.  It’s why I’ve never quite fit it, cuz I’ll go full on bitch-mode with people if I need to, while my friends won’t even send back cold coffee.

I was in a Pier 1 yesterday and some chick was talking on her phone so loud I could hear her throughout the whole store. What’s worse, she kept pronouncing Dachshund wrong to the person on the other end of the phone. Apparently she REALLY liked weiner dogs and they had a little weiner dog stuffed animal for Christmas

Riiiight? I had to knock on a neighbor’s door to tell them to stop screaming at their video game and their response was “well, you don’t have to be such a bitch about it.” I was like “you wake me out of a dead sleep at 2:00 in the morning, I’m gonna be as much of a bitch about it as I want, asshole. Do NOT make me out

I am not completely ignorant of what I am talking about. The act of hearing about a violent act and actually watching a violent act is quite different. Men (and people in charge who have money riding on the decisions that follow) who hear about these things tend to minimize in their minds the serious nature of what

He’s married and famous and in a position of power. He should not be “courting” anyone, especially not someone who works for him.

Except that women cannot just “move on” from being sexually approached by a superior and having to turn them down. Women who are forced to do that have no idea what is going to come next. Is he going to get pissed off, is he going to try to get her fired for turning him down, is she now going to be looked over for