Josh The Cannabis Columnist

It was that Tony Clifton guy.

SBC has always seemed like an asshole, so I am not surprised.

Can you imagine being Oscar-nominated for a film directed by the most esteemed director of his generation and complaining about the experience?”

Ah, Mark Wahlberg. Poster boy for our amnesiac, peri-Trump pop culture.

Sort of like anyone I know who was declared themselves as ‘hating drama’ have been the most insufferably dramatic people I’ve ever known. 

In the immortal words of Norm MacDonald:

Man, America’s made Rebel go soft, because SBC is clearly a cunt.

It is also fun telling assholes like you to kindly fuck off. So, kindly fuck off.

Oh man, then I’d hate to find out what karma is going to do to you now. When some day you get diagnosed with a terminal illness (which will happen), I want you to remember this comment and think to yourself “karma.”

If you are actually real, I hope your mom gets mouth raped by a kangaroo

I realize you’re a troll because you had the same toxic “cancer is karma” take regarding Olivia Munn’s recent health disclosure. Congratulations, it was so fucking stupid and cruel that I remembered you.

I’d read somewhere that the rumors were that she’d had a hysterectomy, and now the cancer diagnosis. It hits close to home for me. My wife had one earlier this year. No cancer was found, thankfully, but we’re not done — she’s due for a mastectomy later this year as well. All preventative.

Chicken and egg thing. Society decided decades ago that homeless people were homeless because of their own laziness/bad decisions/worthlessness. So “homeless” now brings assumptions of “it’s all their fault.”

Atticus Finch?  More like Atticus SHIT, am I right?!?!

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Orville Peck’s home address*

AV Headline in 5 years - “Kristen Stewart was unhappy on Loves Lies Bleeding set”

Considering the handwriting and criticism Happiest Season faced, Stewart’s comments probably confirm many of its detractors’ criticisms. Still, by the bottom-barrel modern standards of the genre, which was largely ceded to formulaic Hallmark and Lifetime made-for-TV movies, Duvall deserves some credit for making it a

I hope he volunteers to be the test subject on its first flight

I’m sure Dalton would have sage advice on the subject.