Josh The Cannabis Columnist

I’ll happily defer to your client/friend’s knowledge. I could be completely wrong, but I get the impression that the producers are trying to paint a picture of a young woman being given a fair shot at a high-responsibility role that she couldn’t handle, therefore she somehow misrepresented herself to the producers

“Reclaiming her own story” doesn’t mean anything. 

Well damn. We’re in the market for an EV, and were briefly considering something new in the 60k-ish range before watching the used market.

When you have a choice between a chain and a locally-owned there is no choice - it is the social and community-minded choice to go local.

Slow down, there. This ain’t Lady Lessons at the Philadelphia Cotillion.

you’re next you little worm

I would never defend kanye west but holy crap I’d love to break that nerd’s stupid glasses


Let’s say for all his published worth ($200B), he’s only 20B liquid. The ~$15K owed would be just 473 seconds of earned interest (at 5%) on this amount. Musk could recoup this “loss” in less than 8 minutes of sleeping, trolling, or making even more kids, and have a kick-ass PR move to show everyone.

Yeah the settlers who stole that land fair and square are just gonna, what, leave?  They’re gonna leave land that they literally think is theirs by right of divine edict?  That’s magical thinking right there.

#1 could have stopped after 4 words

Love going to the News section of this website and reading such breaking stories as “TV show has another episode”

One note for those who want to drink Sencha. Sencha is a little different than black teas and can be very finnicky in terms of getting the best flavor out of them.

I’m not sure “journalist” is applicable here. 

It’s a couple of no-life trolls with multiple burners.

Alright I’m going to say it for everybody out there, it’s okay to be on the left and it’s okay to be on the right and it’s okay to disagree.
Just don’t be assholes to each others (verbally or physically).

It’s also okay to not fully agree with everything your side says or do, and it’s okay to agree with some of the

I keep telling you, Pierce is 81 years old and he’s dead

Enjoy replacing the tires every year, driving that way.

So close. Partial credit Cheez-It being the best, but you failed to correctly name Extra Toasty